Saturday, April 27, 2013

Recognizing People by Alexander T Paulos

Alexander T Paulos graduated from Brigham Young University 
with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology. 

"In this groundbreaking work, Alexander T Paulos discusses recognizable human patterns found in the world today. It is meant to be a resource for those who desire to understand themselves and others. The book talks about ways in which the different "types" of people think, make decisions, and speak. It is a great book for understanding interpersonal relationships.

Review:  Since I got the book, I've been nearly unable to put it down. This is a wealth of information, but almost too much, which will take a while to process and integrate. There was a link on the page to request your type by submitting a picture.  When you do so, you are then asked to buy his book directly from the author (rather than amazon) to get the consult.  Now I realize that's a great deal, even though the price is higher than on amazon.

Another quandry about the book is that I have spent 25 years using MBTI with clients.  Since the premise of this book is to go to the sources before Myers-Briggs, and to redefine most of the categories, I almost feel like it causes a loss of confidence in an incredible existing tool.  Granted I have always known the limitations of the MBTI, as a subjective measure.  But it has had great utility for me in my work.  This new material will certainly keep me thinking, probably for years.  (I don't disagree with the basis of his redefinitions.)  As a part of my second consult, he already pointed me in some good directions to use this material to help me work better with clients.

The addition of motion recognition is fascinating.  I do appreciate that this method introduces beginning with what is actual in your face and movement, rather than what you perceive to be your preferences.  I will be curious to see what we are doing with this material in 10 years.

My type is In-Line-Circle-Point:

Jane Rekas, LCSW

Table of Contents

Out vs. In
Line vs. Curve
Box vs. Circle
Point vs. Wave
Inhibited vs. Disinhibited


  • Out vs. In  and Inhibited vs. Disinhibited can combine 4 different ways, not just two, as you can have a bold or shy Introvert and bold or shy Extrovert, and he doesn't use those words for other reasons.
  • Line vs. Curve is not Sensing vs. Intuitive, words he dropped for a reason, the words have become biased
  • Box vs. Circle are closer to Thinker vs. Feeler, but redefined as objective vs. subjective
  • Point vs. Wave is only similar to Judging vs. Perceiving, in that points want to collapse possibilities (to determine a decision, find closure) and Waves want to propogate possibilities (keep a wave going)
Four Natures (Elements)

Temperament-based Relationship Therapy
Compatibility Specialist
Career Adjustment
Spirituality Adjustment
School Counselor Counseling
Organizational Behavior Advisement
Parties and Get-togethers

Paulos Facial & Motion Recognition P2MR Homepage

Paulos Recognition P2MR on facebook

Reviews on Amazon

Youtube Videos on P2MR types

... but hey, don't listen to me or anyone, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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