In "It's Just My Nature" starting on p. 219, Carol states that went to an IlluminEssensce workshop with Taylore Sinclaire and Toned as a III. She also attended the IE 4 day intensive and later hosted a workshop by IlluminEssensce trainers. She also states that she felt 2 of 5 members of her family were Toned incorrectly. She goes on to critique that system. "My secondary Type-4-ness could see a lot of flaws in it." She invited Taylore Sinclaire to work together or purchase her business, but "neither of those things were meant to happen and they didn't." She also indicates that IE said they were the orignators of the concepts but goes on to find them in other sources. The first was Human Art and the second was Personal Style Consulting (Counselors), which she claims she could find no evidence of them still being in business.
Human Art is a company owned by Brooke Thornley and her husband, also based in Utah, which focuses on body movement related to art principles. They have four groups called whitened, grayed, blackened and saturated. Carol asked them to do business together and was also turned down. Human Art also claimed to be the originators of their material, according to Carol.
See also Human Art, Brook and Rob Thornley
Carol's mother had information from 1982 when she attended a PSC course. Trademark and patent attorney, Grant Clayton, "told me the pre-existing art I found disputes the claims of IlluminEssensce and Human Art being the originators of their concepts. She addes "...the most important piece I needed to give me the legal green light I needed to go ahead and create my own system." and states "... there is no single original system out there. Who knows where it all started."
See later comments from John Kitchener of PSC
As we know, they go back to Suzanne Caygill also. Irregardless, they do not originate from Carol Tuttle. She may have named a system, but not based on her own original concepts either.
See also
An Amazon Review and Comment from Author
Contributed by a reader:
Probable sources of Dressing Your Truth...
Suzanne Caygill and Angela Wright's books have similar: energy types, design lines, textures, fabrication, pattern, color, jewelry, interior design, keywords etc. to Dressing Your Truth (DYT) and It's Just My Nature. Rohm's book "Who Do You Think You Are Anyway?" has similar behavior and personality profiling and to "Dressing Your Truth" (DYT) and "It's Just My Nature." Books by Harriet McJimsey and Judith Rasband have similar: body language, facial profiling, physical profiling, design lines, textures, fabrications, patterns, colors, of Yin Yang types to Carol Tuttle's Dressing Your Truth (DYT) and It's Just My Nature.
Color: The Essence of You, Suzanne Caygill
Colour Psychology, Angela Wright
Who Do You Think You Are Anyway? Rohm
x, Harriet McJimsey
Wardrobe Strategies for Women, Judith Rasband
The Path to Wholeness: A Guide to Spiritual... c) 1993
Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook ... c) 2003
It's Just My Nature! c) 2009
Dressing Your Truth, Discover Your Personal... c) 2010
Color: The Essence of You c) 1980
by Susan Caygill
"Suzanne Caygill originated the whole concept of color analysis for the individual, beginning in 1942. After working for years with color and style as a milliner and designer, she experienced a "revelation" about the relationship between a person's natural coloration (as seen in the pigments in their skin, hair and eyes) and the color harmonies of nature. In addition to color, she also developed her theories on personality and style for each season. While a person's color palette is unique to them, Suzanne found certain recurring patterns of personality and style, as revealed by the colors. "
Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to Suzanne Caygill's COLOR THE ESSENCE OF YOU 1980:
Caygill Spring: “The face is generally rounded–rounded cheeks, eye, nose, chin—or it may be heart shaped with pointed chin...dimples.”
Tuttle Type 1: “Face shape: circular or heart shaped.” “Cheeks: circles...dimples” “Nose: circle shape.”
Caygill Spring: "Frolicsome" "Enchanting" "Effervescence" "dapper" "Sprightliness"
Tuttle Type 1: "Frolicsome" "Enchanting" "Effervescent" "Dapper" "Sprightly"
Caygill Spring: "often the life of the party"
Tuttle Type 1: "often the life of the party"
Caygill pg 22: "cherry blossoms"
Tuttle Type 1: "Cherry...tree in blossom" "blossoms on a cherry tree"
Caygill pg 108: "rolling hills
Tuttle Type 1: "rolling hills"
Caygill Spring: "communicative" "open-hearted" "awakening" "half-circles"
Tuttle Type 1: "communicative" "Open-hearted" "Awakening" "half a circle"
Caygill Summer: "Picturesque" "S-curve" "soft spoken" "Iridescent" "Etherealness" "Exquisiteness" "Cameos"
Tuttle Type 2: "Picturesque" "S-curve" "Soft-spoken" "Iridescent" "Ethereal" "Exquisite" "Cameo-quality"
Caygill Summer: “her walk graceful” “with a fluid motion"
Tuttle Type 2: “graceful walk...fluid flowing movement”
Caygill Summer: “meticulous attention to detail"
Tuttle Type 2: “meticulous nature and attention to detail”
Caygill pg 63: "Acting and reacting"
Tuttle Type 3: "action and reaction" "action/reaction" "active reactive"
Caygill Autumn keyword list: "Resplendent" "Dashing" "Gypsy-like" "Bizarre"
Tuttle Type 3 keyword list: "Resplendent" "Dashing" "Gypsy-like" "Bizarre"
Caygill Autumn: "Points, as in the contours of a maple leaf" "firm of step "
Tuttle Type 3: "Maple Tree...It's leaves are angular" "Walking: firm plant of your feet"
Caygill Autumn: "Tangy" "Glowing" "Tawny" "Metallic" "Zestful" "Adventuresome" "Swiftness"
Tuttle Type 3: "Tangy" "Glowing" "Tawny" "Metallic" "Zesty" "Adventurous" "Swift"
Caygill Autumn: "quick to make decisions"
Tuttle Type 3: "make decisions quickly"
Caygill Winter: “contemporary furnishings...modern design.”
Tuttle Type 4: “interior design is what we call modern and contemporary.”
Caygill Winter: "roses, large and single"
Tuttle Type 4: "a single, long-stemmed rosebud"
Caygill Winter: "high cheek bones" "motivated toward perfection" "fir"
Tuttle Type 4: "high cheek bones" "tendency towards perfection" "Noble Fir"
Caygill Winter: "Suave" "Luminous" "Scintillating" "commanding" "gallantry"
Tuttle Type 4: "Suave" "Luminous" "Scintillating" "Commanding" "Gallant"
BELLE NORTHRUP's YIN YANG SYSTEM seen in her own publications and McJimsey's books.
Art and Fashion in Clothing Selection c) 1973
Carol Tuttle's short nature chapter on pp. 31-38 in IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to pg 72-73 of Harriet McJimsey's ART & FASHION IN CLOTHING SELECTION 1973:
McJimsey (Northrup) text: "weeping willow"
McJimsey (Northrup) diagrams: hummingbird, rose, lion, calla lily
Tuttle: Type 1 "hummingbird" Type 2 "rose" "weeping willow" Type 3 "lion" Type 4 "calla lily"
Tuttle: Type 1 "hummingbird" Type 2 "rose" "weeping willow" Type 3 "lion" Type 4 "calla lily"
Carol Tuttle's short nature chapter on pp. 31-38 in IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to Belle Northrup's article AN APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF COSTUME AND PERSONALITY 2008:
Northrup: "shepherd dog" "panther" "elephant"
Tuttle: Type 3 "Dog:German Shepherd" Type 4 "Panther" Type 2 "Elephant"
Tuttle: Type 3 "Dog:German Shepherd" Type 4 "Panther" Type 2 "Elephant"
Art and Fashion in Clothing Selection by McJimsey, c) 1973 |
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Yin and Yang contrasts by McJimsey |
Generally people use the S-curve or oval for Summer and either rectangle or asymmetrical triangle for Autumn, but the Spring and Winter shapes vary by author. But the idea of correlating them has obviously been around a long time.
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BOLD (square) left, DRAMATIC (triangle) right |
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CLASSIC (circle) left, ROMANTIC (tear drop) right |
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INGENUE left, GAMIN right |
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The Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology c) 1999 by Angela Wright, FRSA |
"She studied psychoanalytical psychotherapy at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, England, before studying the dynamics of colour in Carmel, California, USA, and identified links between patterns of colour and patterns of human behaviour. She formulated a clear hypothesis, which became the basis of the Colour Affects System, an academically sound and demonstrably effective system that crossed cultural boundaries and, for the first time, enabled colour psychology to be applied objectively, rationally and with remarkable accuracy."
Wright is unusual in including orange in the Winter palette, which is also in the DYT Type 4 palette.
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Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology | Quiz also in her book
Dressing Your Truth 2010 has the same combinations of Yin & Yang as Science of Personal Dress and the same four seasons as Color Psychology 1999.
Suzanne Caygill and Angela Wright's books have similar: energy types, design lines, textures, fabrication, pattern, color, jewelry, interior design, keywords etc. to Dressing Your Truth (DYT) and It's Just My Nature. Rohm's book "Who Do You Think You Are Anyway?" has similar behavior and personality profiling and to "Dressing Your Truth" (DYT) and "It's Just My Nature." Books by Harriet McJimsey and Judith Rasband have similar: body language, facial profiling, physical profiling, design lines, textures, fabrications, patterns, colors, of Belle Northrup's Yin Yang style types (think "Metamorphosis" by Caygill-linked David Kibbe) to Carol Tuttle's Dressing Your Truth (DYT) and It's Just My Nature.
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Who Do You Think You Are Anyway? by Robert A. Rohm c) 1997 |
Rohm is a PhD-level human behavior expert; Tuttle is an unlicensed EFT Tapping practitioner (NOT a psychotherapist as Amazon's Dressing Your Truth paperback page claims).
Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to Robert A. Rohm PhD.'s WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ANYWAY? 1997:
Rohm Type I: "act before thinking"
Tuttle Type 1: "act before thinking"
Rohm Type I: "Likes to do things: The fun way."
Tuttle Type 1: "You look for fun ways to accomplish the things you want to do."
Rohm Type I: "wide range of friends"
Tuttle Type 1: "wide...range of friendships"
Rohm Type I: "'flake'" "brainstorming"
Tuttle Type1: "flaky" "brainstorming"
Rohm Type I: "support their big ideas"
Tuttle Type 1: "big ideas" " praise them and thank them for ideas"
Rohm Type S: “Slow down–help me!” “thinks and considers at a slower pace”
Tuttle Type 2: “You may require others to slow down” “your thoughts are slower”
Rohm Type S: “Do not be pushy.” “Don’t put them in a corner, they will crumble.”
Tuttle Type 2: “Don’t get pushy…They will retreat.”
Rohm Type S: “allow them to ask questions”
Tuttle Type 2: “Allow them to ask questions.”
Rohm Type S: "wishy-washy"
Tuttle Type 2: "wishy-washy" "wishy-washiness"
Rohm Type S: "attitude is questioning"
Tuttle Type 2: "tendency to constantly ask questions" "question yourself" "need questions answered"
Rohm Type D: "checking off their itemized and prioritized 'To Do' list as they accomplish each item"
Tuttle Type 3: "check it off my list" "write on our to-do lists tasks we have already accomplished just for the satisfaction of checking them off the list"
Rohm Type D: "Killer Statement:'You can't do that!'"
Tuttle Type 3: "don't tell them they can't do it"
Rohm Type D : "Pioneering" "Get the job done" "to-the-point" "'movers and shakers'" "self-starters"
Tuttle Type 3 keyword list: "Pioneering" "Get the job done" "To the point" "Mover & shaker" "Self-starter"
Rohm Type D: "They take pleasure in finishing projects."
Tuttle Type 3: "gain so much pleasure in creating a result...bask in the pleasure of just looking at the result"
Rohm Type D: "Pushing the group ahead"
Tuttle Type 3: "push us into action" "push in getting people to work harder" "pushing forward"
Rohm Type D: "Thinks big"
Tuttle Type 3: "think big" "You think big."
Rohm Type C: "Point A to Point B"
Tuttle Type 4: "Point A to Point B"
Rohm Type C: "finish whatever I start"
Tuttle Type 4: "finish what you start"
Rohm Type C: "color 'inside the lines'"
Tuttle Type 4: "color within the lines"
Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to Robert A. Rohm PhD.'s POSITIVE PERSONALITY PROFILES 1994:
Rohm Type C: "telling it like it is"
Tuttle Type 4: "You say it how it is"
Tuttle pg 222: "true to my Type 3/4 nature--get right to the point and tell it like it is!"
Tuttle Type 4: "You say it how it is"
Tuttle pg 222: "true to my Type 3/4 nature--get right to the point and tell it like it is!"
Rohm Type C: "see only black or white...not much is gray"
Tuttle Type 4: "black and white opinion, with no gray areas" "black and white gray area"
Rohm Type C: "keen eyes"
Tuttle Type 4: "keen eye"
Tuttle Type 4: "keen eye"
Rohm Type S: caterpillar
Tuttle Type 2: Caterpillar
Tuttle Type 2: Caterpillar
Rohm Type C: "stay on track"
Tuttle Type 4: "Stay on Track"
Tuttle Type 4: "Stay on Track"
Rohm Type D: "Ready–Fire–Aim!"
Tuttle Type 3: "ready-fire-aim"
Tuttle Type 3: "ready-fire-aim"
Coincidence? Dr. Rohm also co-wrote a book about parenting.
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Who Do You Think You Are Anyway? by Robert A. Rohm DISC Personality Test | Different Children, Different Needs: Unders...c) 2004 by Charles F. Boyd, , ROBERT A. ROHM$12.98 |
Similar paragraphs in Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 pg 63 and Boyd/Rohm's DIFFERENT CHILDREN, DIFFERENT NEEDS 2004 pg 239:
Rohm Type I: "tone of your voice goes up and down"
Tuttle Type 1: "tone of your voice rises and falls"
Rohm Type I: "Dramatic" "Expressive" "descriptive"
Ruttle Type 1: "dramatic, expressive, descriptive"
Ruttle Type 1: "dramatic, expressive, descriptive"
Rohm Type I: "gesture with your hands"
Tuttle Type 1: "talk with your hands"
Tuttle Type 1: "talk with your hands"
More examples of Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE 2009 compared to Boyd/Rohm's DIFFERENT CHILDREN, DIFFERENT NEEDS 2004:
Rohm Type C: "'Lighten up!' Don't take everything so seriously." "critical" "serious"
Tuttle Type 4: "'Lighten up!' or Don't be so critical or serious."
Rohm Type I: "You can form an image of something in your mind and see it clearly when there's nothing tangible to see."
Tuttle Type 1: "you readily see what doesn't exist physically"
Tuttle Type 1: "you readily see what doesn't exist physically"
Rohm Type S: "Don't be...demanding."
Tuttle Type 2: "Don't get ... demanding"
Tuttle Type 2: "Don't get ... demanding"
Rohm Type I: "juggle several balls at once"
Tuttle Type 1: "juggle many things at once" "create too many new balls to juggle"
Tuttle Type 1: "juggle many things at once" "create too many new balls to juggle"
Rohm Type D: "you can be relied upon to get the job done"
Tuttle Type 3: "Your reputation is, 'You can count on them to get the job done.'"
Tuttle Type 3: "Your reputation is, 'You can count on them to get the job done.'"
Rohm pg 155: "you are a mirror"
Tuttle Type 4: "you are an energetic mirror"
Rohm Type C: "high standards...low self esteem because they don't come up to those personal standards"
Tuttle Type 4: "set standards that neither your nor anyone else can meet...low self-esteem"
Rohm Type C: "quiet self-confidence"Tuttle Type 4: "quiet confidence"Rohm Type C: "time alone to process his thoughts and feelings" "needs time alone to think, process, and percolate"Tuttle Type 4: "need time alone to process their thoughts and feelings"
Personality Insights for Moms (Personality ... by Susan Crook $13.95 |
Carol Tuttle's IT'S JUST MY NATURE compared to Rohm/Crook's PERSONALITY INSIGHTS FOR MOMS:
Rohm Type I: "You are a breath of fresh air"
Tuttle Type 1: "You are a breath of fresh air" "You truly are a 'breathe of fresh air'"
Rohm Type I "'rabbit type'"
Tuttle Type1: "Rabbits"
Rohm Type I: "bouncing around"
Tuttle Type 1: "move though life like a bouncing ball"
Rohm Type I: "walks into a room, the room lights up!"
Tuttle Type 1: "light up the room when you enter"
Rohm Type I "hard time sitting still"
Tuttle Type 1: "do not like to sit or stand still"
Rohm Type I: "get twice as much...with praise" "Praise them" "thank them"
Tuttle Type 1: "praise them and thank them" "praised his idea...praised him"
Rohm Type I: "impulsive...jump into the pool" "impulsive swimmer...jumped into the pool"
Tuttle Type 1: "impulse to run into the ocean"
Rohm Type I: "precocious"
Tuttle Type 1: "Precocious"
Rohm Type I: "trendsetter" "see what the latest fads and trends are, and then go after them"
Tuttle Type 1: "Trendy"
Rohm Type S: "perceived as a doormat or pushover" "can turn into doormats"
Tuttle Type 2: "viewed my mother as somewhat of a doormat"
Rohm Type D: "creates change to get the results she wants"
Tuttle Type 3: "action that creates results and change"
The Science of Personal Dress
Irenee Riter http://www.thescienceof
Spring - Energy moves into excited action. (spring energy - animates)
Summer - Energy becomes softer. (summer energy - softens)
Autumn - Energy begins to move. (autumn energy - busy)
Winter - Energy is still and set. (winter energy - still)
| . DYT
Type 1 - highest movement
Type 2 - medium to low movement
Type 3 - medium to high movement
Type 4 - low to no movement
Irenee Riter
Spring - asymmetrical
Summer - symmetrical
Autumn -assymmetrical
Winter - symmetrical
Type 1 - assymetrical
Type 2
Type 3 - assymetrical
Type 4 -symmetrical
Personal Style Counselors
lineage from Suzanne Caygill
Carol Tuttle gives some reference to John Kitchener's Personal Style Consulting (Personal Style Counselors): pg 225 "It's Just My Nature" by Carol Tuttle of Dressing Your Truth (DYT) in the section of the book entitled "WHERE I CAME UP WITH ALL OF THIS": "Personal Style Consulting and they taught four groups that they called Bright, Soft, Rich, and Striking!"
PSC John Kitchener website
In the 1960’s Joan Songer took a lot of Suzanne Caygill's basic theory and made it more applicable and easy for people to understand. She found artists who were experts in color identification and had them trained to do color analysis for both women, men and children. She taught classes on how to use and apply their color and style information. She called her business Personal Style Counselors.
In the 1960’s Joan Songer took a lot of Suzanne Caygill's basic theory and made it more applicable and easy for people to understand. She found artists who were experts in color identification and had them trained to do color analysis for both women, men and children. She taught classes on how to use and apply their color and style information. She called her business Personal Style Counselors.
comment on this video
Dear Carol,
Thank you for responding. Unfortunately I don't believe you and can prove your dishonesty. I'm contacting my attorney to discuss what legal procedure to initiate in order to stop you from using our nomenclature that our founder Joan Songer started in 1964. You can resolve a legal entanglement by no longer using the original PSC terms of "Striking", "Animated", "Soft" and Rich". I encourage you to do so.
jkpsc 1 year ago
Congratulations on creating Dressing Your Truth. It would be awesome if you acknowledged your original resource for your information and material. The four type names you describe are "Animated", "Soft", "Rich" and "Striking" which are the original names of our Color Harmonies developed and titled by our founder Joan Songer. As you know, Joan Songer started PSC (Personal Style Counselors) here in Calif in 1964. From your analysis with us were you 85% Rich and 15% Animated?
jkpsc 1 year ago
Carol Tuttle responds on amazon:
An Amazon Review and Comment from Author
end of reader's submission
My knowledge of IlluminEssensce:
IlluminEssence lineage from Suzanne Caygill
IlluminEssensce gives this credit:
"Taylore’s investigations first led her to the image industry where she spent years as an expert teaching color, facial shapes, and body types. In the 1980s Taylore was a protege of Suzanne Caygill - originator of color analysis (beginning in 1942) andcreator of “the four seasons color theory”, which was the basis for the book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson. Suzanne accurately predicted, to a close friend, that of all of her students and associates, Taylore was the one most likely to have the next big discovery." source
"I studied intensively with Suzanne (Caygill) for several years... It became obvious to me that color, personality and facial features are not enough... I created my own business in Image Consulting and continued to search for a way to categorize people without relying on color, personality, or opinion... the basis of psychological and physical definition is not color or personality - it is personal energetics."
The system of IlluminEssence involves harmonizing shapes, colors, patterns, fabrics, scents with your core Essensce.
Carol Tuttle took the IlluminEssensce 4 Day Intensive.
IlluminEssensce gives this credit:
"Taylore’s investigations first led her to the image industry where she spent years as an expert teaching color, facial shapes, and body types. In the 1980s Taylore was a protege of Suzanne Caygill - originator of color analysis (beginning in 1942) andcreator of “the four seasons color theory”, which was the basis for the book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson. Suzanne accurately predicted, to a close friend, that of all of her students and associates, Taylore was the one most likely to have the next big discovery." source
"I studied intensively with Suzanne (Caygill) for several years... It became obvious to me that color, personality and facial features are not enough... I created my own business in Image Consulting and continued to search for a way to categorize people without relying on color, personality, or opinion... the basis of psychological and physical definition is not color or personality - it is personal energetics."
The system of IlluminEssence involves harmonizing shapes, colors, patterns, fabrics, scents with your core Essensce.
Carol Tuttle took the IlluminEssensce 4 Day Intensive.
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Tone I: animated, buoyant, spirited, crisp, fresh, expressive
Tone II: soft, subtle, flowing, relaxed, blended, enfolding
Tone III: dynamic, rich, textured, angled, sure, substantial
Tone IV: striking, firm, smooth, stylized, contrasting, definite
Tone I: circle, gentle triangle facing up, star
Tone II: egg shaped oval or tear drop, gentle rectangle, gentle S curve
Tone III: jagged triangle, zig zag, rectangle
Tone IV: curved or regular rectangle, oval, S curve
Movement Diagrams:
The diagrams of the movements of Dressing Your Truth Type 1,2,3, & 4 seen on pages 26 & 27 of Carol Tuttle's It's Just My Nature resemble Taylore B. Sinclaire/IlluminEssensce's diagrams for the movements of her 4 Tones.
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Carol Tuttle at Vibrant Woman training 2005 |
As a licensed Master's Degree Social worker, it bothers me to have someone trying to represent themselves above their educational level to those who may not understand. I realize that education is not needed to present image consultation services.
Carol Tuttle bills herself on her website as a "Master Energy Therapist" implying a master's degree. There is no such degree. If you google it, you will just find her. She seems to have made it up (although I do find one other person using the title).
She also lists herself as Carol Tuttle, MRET. This is Master Rapid Eye Technician, which has to do with EMDR. Again, not a Master's Degree.
A Reiki Master is the 3rd level of Reiki practitioner, but is not a college degree. She might be referring to this, but then she needs to credit her lineage. For example, this Reiki healer lists herself as a Master Energy Therapist, but lists her lineage.
Also, in my eBook and on this blog, I also give the history of how the concepts of the elements come from decades of color theory but also classical thought, ancient Eastern and Western traditions, Jungian psychology, etc.
None of these concepts are new!
Expressing Your Truth eBook Vol I (66 pages)
Includes: Types and Tones, Elements, Humors, Temperaments, Fashion Feng Shui, Color Analysis, Astrology, Healing, Books, Makeups

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Send me an email: Jane Rekas, LCSW
Honestly Jane, who cares?! You come across as vindictive. I wouldn't know any of this existed without Carol Tuttle and you wouldn't have any traffic.
I care!
Just because one reader above found this post through Carol Tuttle, it provides little proof that traffic to this blog happens through that narrow path alone.
Plaigiarism is plagiarism (elementary English lesson) and, I disagree with the critique of "coming across as vindictive".
I think it comes across as truth telling where it needs to be told.
Copyrights exist for a reason and people deserve to be called out over such things.
I read Tuttle's book. At times it felt like a simplified conglomeration of elements and humors that could only apply to a small percentage of the population. However, as an avid lover of design, color, and psychology, I felt perplexed by my skepticism.
Thanks to this incredibly insightful, and, well-researched post, I get it.
One can gleam a lot from 30 mins on Jane's Pinterest page. The archive of knowledge is telling. Not selling.
I found this blog pretty high up in my search, and felt like I found a gold mine!
It is full of credited resources, and, a substantial book list to satiate ones hunger to learn more. Now, that's empowerment. That's healing!
Keep up your freaking awesome work, Jane! THANK YOU for writing this post. I feel validated in my distrust of information once read, and, super excited to have so many great resources.
Cheers to your continues success, and, wishing you above continued success in your endeavors!
Please see below! I reposted in "comment" section.
Thank you Sundewsun!
I'd also like to support you in your endeavours here, Jane! I really enjoy your comparative approach to investigating the various style systems and providers. There's so much of it out there, but, after the excitement dies down and you start to think critically, it's not hard to see that much of it is the same stuff re-marketed. Some huge price-tags go with this information. Personally, I think the best investment anyone can make in "trying to find their style" is a full-length mirror. Do YOU like your clothes? etc. It's all interesting in its own way, but the quasi-spiritual claims that go with a lot of it are best taken with a grain of salt, I think. Cheers to your sleuthing and may it long continue!
Thank you!
Jane I would thoroughly love it if you would create a product based on Jane segerstroms book highlighting the differences in the types!
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