Hi this is the author. This is fascinating to me since I have never read or studied the books mentioned and which my writing is being compared to. I have never heard of the authors. I am fascinated and believe that truth comes to those who seek it and it is meant to be shared in their own unique voice. I do share in "It's Just My Nature" that I did a short training with Taylore Sinclaire, but never was trained by her and that my mother had gone through the PSC system in 1981 and shared her hand-written notes with me only after I had created Energy Profiling many years later (she is a Type 2 and has a tendency to hang on to things!" ). This was helpful for legal reasons so those who claimed to be the original authors could be disputed, as is noted by this review that numerous people have been authors of their own interpretation of these truths and understandings. I am not the creator of these truths, only the creator of my unique way of understanding them and teaching them. Thanks for taking all the time to do the research to make this comparison.