Monday, February 2, 2015

McJimsey/Northrup/Kentner style categories

Harriet McJimsey created these Essence (or style) categories, based in part on yin/yang ideas from Belle Northrup, also used similarly by Bernice Kentner.  These are from McJimsey's book and also used by Personal Style Counselors and were mentioned in Pflaumer's "Shopping for the Real You,", similar to what is found in Welch's Know Who You Are, and Pinckney's "Your New Image."  The style categories roughly correlate to some of the more complicated system by Kibbe.

EYT Closet pages on styles:
Dramatic Natural Gamine Classic Romantic /Ingenue
Results will give you percentages of the following categories (click for pinterest boards):
Dramatic Natural Lively Classic Romantic /Youthful Angelic 
Lively is Gamine, Youthful is Ingenue

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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