Sunday, February 15, 2015

Type Order

I'm pretty sure my type order is 2/4/3/1.  Update: now I think 4/2/3/1.

Sanguine painting by 

'saNGgwin/ adjective: optimistic or positive, esp. in an apparently bad or difficult situation

 If Type 1 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly uplifting, light and bright. If Type 1 is your secondary, then your dominant type is lightened energetically (2/1 is lightened in color, 3/1 is warm, 4/1 is bright). If Type 1 is your *inferior, like me, then you might have what I call a "fun deficit." Only Type 4s can wear black, UNLESS you are a 1/4 which roughly correlates to Clear Spring. If you look up their palette in seasonal color analysis, they can wear black among their neutrals, grey too.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 1
Your Style
Type & Style
Spring in Styles

Phlegmatic painting by 

(flĕg-măt′ĭk) also phleg·mat·i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj. Having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament;

If Type 2 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly calm and calming, centered and peaceful, though sometimes prone to being anxious and overwhelmed with details. If Type 2 is your secondary, then your dominant type is softened. If Type 2 is your *inferior, then you might have less of a filter to keep from saying things that are hurtful, or have higher energy. Also, if you are a dominant T2, you are the least contrasted, as this type is blended, UNLESS you are a 2/4, esp. with dark hair, then you might find that you are not blended due to the contrasting effect of your secondary.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 2
Your Style
Type & Style
Summer in Styles

Choleric painting by 

(kŏl′ə-rĭk, kə-lĕr′ĭk) adj. Easily angered; bad-tempered, showing or expressing anger 

 If Type 3 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly direct, dynamic and determined. If Type 3 is your secondary, then your dominant type is warmed. If Type 3 is your *inferior, then you might have less drive to get things done. Only Type 4s can wear black, UNLESS you are a 3/4 which roughly correlates to Dark Autumn. If you look up their palette in seasonal color analysis, they can wear black among their neutrals, brown/black too.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 3
Your Style
Type & Style
Autumn in Styles

Melancholic painting by 

(mĕl′ən-kŏl′ĭk) adj. Affect with or subject to melancholy; of or relating to melancholia (deep sadness, or gloom)

 If Type 4 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You have the most contrast of all the types. You should be able to wear black (and white) where the others cannot (but you should drape for it, some T4s can't either). You are predominantly analytical, able to set good boundaries, may appear aloof, and have a smooth, still quality. If Type 4 is your secondary, then your dominant type has more contrast. If Type 4 is your *inferior, then you might be the least organized or interested in order, and also have low contrast.

*inferior is a term used in MBTI to indicate the last function or preference, which we usually are not very good at

Playing with Types: Try on Type 4
Your Style
Four Type Systems authors include: Segerstrom, Wright, Donner, Bulter, Garza/Lupo, etc. (before DYT)
Style System authors include: Northrup, McJimsey, Kentner, Pflaumer, Welch, Kibbe, etc. (style quiz)
Introduction to Secondaries

INCORPORATING SECONDARIES12 Page Introduction to Secondaries Now $5.00
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Unknown said...

Did you leave off the Type 2 chart on this page? Just wondering. ;)

Jane Leu Rekas said...

Yes, oops. Will fix!

Jane Leu Rekas said...

ok, now it's up

SWriter said...

Question: When you state your dominant type is "lightened" such as with 4/1, could you tell me what that means as far as choosing styles? Thanks Jane. I appreciate your time in answering this. I'm wondering if I'm "lightening" when I choose elements. That means to me to chose the lines of the secondary. Just wanted to know if that is what it means.

Jane Leu Rekas said...

That's a great question. By lightened in this instance, I meant energetically. The 4/1 is less serious, though it sort of bounces between extremes. I am going to update this post with some extra links to answer the other part of your question.

SWriter said...

Looking forward to your update. Again, thank you for answering.

SWriter said...

I just got the e-book on secondaries and this was helpful.