Saturday, October 5, 2013

Face Shapes: Oval

ASTROLOGY FACE READING: Four Type Fashion Systems have been categorizing women by their face shape and features since Caygill, but the origins are ancient. This Astro-Type eBook is based on finding elemental and astrological correlations to the types.

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Depending on the author or system, the oval face shape is attributed differently.  But when I did my research for my Astrology Face Reading ebook, I surmised that the oval face shape is the most common and can actually be all of the types.

Keep in mind people disagree wildly as to what each face shape looks like and which celebrities have which face shape.  It is somewhat subjective!

How to tell if your OVAL face shape is one of the four types:

A classic TYPE One with an oval face is Sally Fields.  

  • She is also know as the quintessential Sanguine celeb.
  • Sally Fields is also known as a "Vital Spring" or 1/4.
  • The Greeks say that the "Venusian Sanguine" will have an oval face.
  • Kentner says the Spring face can be oblong.

But what makes her T1 and not T4?
She has so much animation to her face and personality.
The T1 oval face needs to have an elfin quality about it.

The T1 that is most likely to have an oval face with the most roundness is 1/2. The T1 that is most likely to have an oval face with some pear shape to it is 1/3. The T1 that is most likely to have an oval face with some squareness to it is 1/4.

Remember, an oval face that is T1 will have a convex profile, which is very youthful because the nose often goes up and the chin goes forward.

Notice that the hair will be BRIGHT AND WARM.

But I thought Type 1s had round or heart shaped faces?  Wait for my next post!

A classic Type Two with an oval face is Princess Di.

  • Caygill, Kitchener, Sinclaire and Tuttle associate Type 2 or Summer with oval.
  • But guess what? It's not supported anywhere else.  So just keep an open mind.
  • The Chinese say the water element is associated with the round face.
  • The Greeks also say the Phlegmatic face shape is round.

Remember, an oval face that is T2 will have a concave profile, with a nose that usually goes down or is flat, and the face is very yin because the chin recedes.  They won't necessarily look youthful, but age gracefully. 

Notice that the hair will be MUTED AND COOL.

A classic Type Three with an oval face is Elizabeth Banks.

The Greeks call a Type 3 (or Choleric) with an oval face Apollonian, referring to the Sun God's beauty, and it's associated astrologically with Leo.  The Apollonian is often the blonde T3 also, or to dye their hair blonde and get away with it.


Remember, an oval face that is T3 will have a convex profile, with a chin that goes forward but a nose that is beaked or goes down, so not as youthful as T1.  This is the oval face that is slightly disrupted by a pointy chin.  That is often a description of fire.  The Apollonian nose will not be the most Choleric of the T3s, for instance it is more likely to be Aquiline, Grecian than Roman.

Notice that the hair will be MUTED AND WARM.

But I thought the fire face was a triangle? Wait for my upcoming posts!

A classic Type Four with an oval face is Megan Fox.
(Although Paulos considers her fire).

  • Caygill, Sinclaire and Riter say the Winter face is oval.  Kitchener and Segerstrom say elongated oval.
  • Kentner says the Winter face is oblong.  Tuttle says oval, square or rectangle (right?).
  • The Greeks says the Melancholic face shape is square or rectangle.  The Chinese put Earth with square.
  • From astrology, the Mercurial subtype can have an elongated oval face, from the influence of Saturn.

Remember, an oval face that is T1 will have a convex profile, which is very youthful because the nose often goes up and the chin is straight or possibly recedes.  The T4 nose can go up or down or straight.

Notice that the hair will be BRIGHT AND COOL.

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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