Consultants Map
1810 | Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe | Theory of Colours |
1855 | Michele Eugene Chevreul | The Principles of Harmony and Contrast in Colors |
1882 | Rudolf Steiner | Colour |
1900s | Albert Munsell | Munsell Color Systems |
1906 | Jung met Freud | |
1916 | Wilhelm Ostwald | The Color Primer |
1920s | Johannes Itten | Painter and Professor at Bauhaus Design Academy |
1925 | Belle Northrup | A Short Description of Historic Fashion |
1935 | Belle Northrup | The Story of Costume Told in Pictures |
1942 | Suzanne Caygill | Personal Color Analysis originated |
1943 | Grace Margaret Morton | The Arts of Costume and Personal Appearance |
1940s | Rober Dorr | Color Key System |
1952 | Living with Suzanne TV Show | |
1959 | McJimsey | |
1963 | Josef Albers | Interaction of Color |
1960s | Lois Marlow-Scott | student of Caygill, Ten Thousand Colors |
1964 | Joan Songer | Personal Style Counselors |
1972 | Fran Muntz | Director of Beauty for You, New Zealand |
1974 | Debra Lindquist | Color Profiles, Ltd. |
1977 | Bernice Kentner | Color Me A Season |
1978 | John Kitchener | Personal Style Counselors |
1980 | Suzanne Caygill | Color: The Essence of You |
1980 | Carole Jackson | Color Me Beautiful |
1980s | Anne Sagendorph-Moon | trained in Caygill Method |
1980s | Carolyn Miller | House of Color |
1980 | Jane Segerstrom | Look Like Yourself and Love It |
1981 | Carla Mathis | The Body Beautiful Insititute |
1982 | Pat Scott Vincent | Colourflair |
1983 | Naomi Donner | Color for Body & Soul |
1985 | Joan Calloway | The Color Connection |
1986 | Joanne Nicholson and Judy Lewis-Crum | Color Wonderful |
1987 | David Kibbe | Metamorphosis |
1987 | Jennifer Robin | Clothe Your Spirit, Growing More Beautiful |
1988 | Jane Segerstrom | Style Strategy |
1989 | Rochele HC Hirsch | Graduate of Caygill's Academy |
~1992 | Taylor B. Sinclaire | IlluminEssensce |
1995 1995 |
Angela Wright Blair Massey |
Color Psychology Always Looking Your Best |
1997 | Robert Rohm | DISC Personality |
1997 | Darin Wright | Elea Blake |
1999 | Maytee Garza | Reveal Consultancy |
~2001 | Kathryn Kalisz | Sci/Art originator |
2002 | Kerry Stitch | Sci/Art consultant |
2005 | Lauren Battistini | Color My Closet |
2005 | Jenifer Butler | Reinventing Your Style |
Cathy Wiliams | Ten Thousand Colors | |
2008 | Christine Scaman | Return to Your Natural Colors |
2008 | Anna Villaruel | The Chic Fashionista |
2009 | Donna Cognac | The Color Advisor |
2009 | Norma Virgin | Color Alliance |
2009 | Lora Alexander | Pretty Your World |
2010 | Carol Tuttle | Dressing Your Truth |
2010 | David Zyla | Color Your Style |
2011 | Wendy J. Smith | All Your Winning Colors |
Kathy Pfeiffer | Beauty Valued | |
RoseAnn Woolpert | Personal Color Palettes | |
Truth is Beauty | ||
Ylena Starikova | Seasonal Color Analysis blog | |
Irenee Riter | The Science of Personal Dress | |
Donna Fujii | Color With Style |

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe was a German philosopher who first published his Theory of Colours in 1810, which was later edited by Rudolf Steiner. It was published in English in 1840 by John Murray of London. He did not apply his theory of color to anything like seasonal color analysis; that came later.

The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, and their Applications to the Arts
"Through Chevruel's research and our own experiences, we know that colors are not static. Colors are similar to people--their personalities change and they can be influenced by close associations." -- Joen Wolfrom in "The Magical Effects of Color."
Chevreul’s Law of Simultaneous Color Contrast:
“Both small red squares are exactly the same
color but the one on the left should appear more violet because the eye infuses
it with the complimentary of the background orange, likewise the one on the
right should gain an orange cast because of its blue background.” 
1897 Steiner
- Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher and the founder of the Waldorf Schools and Anthropososphy. In 1882, Steiner was asked to edit a new release of Goethe’s works. There is a book on color by Rudolf Steiner which contains 12 lectures on the subject, entitled simply “Colour.”
- 1900s
- The name Munsell is probably the most known in association with color theory. Albert Munsell was an artist and professor who established a system of understanding aspects of color and human perception of color. He defined three aspects of color: hue, value and chroma. Hue includes the idea of colors being cool or warm. Value refers to the depth or lightness of colors. And chroma relates to whether a color is pure and clear or muted in some way by the addition of other colors (white, gray and black)."
Early History of Color Analysis

Johannes Itten was a Swiss expressionist painter and art theoretician and member of the Bauhaus design academy. He is considered to be the source of the color analysis systems started by Suzanne Caygill and Carole Jackson. He was the founder of the idea of four types of people with different color palettes and to refer to these types with the names of the seasons. One purpose for this was in assisting painters in doing portraits.
noticed that his art
students always did their best work using colors
had chosen themselves and found a connection between what they chose and their
own coloring. If they had warm skin, they chose warm
colors, and conversely, if they had cool skin, they chose cool
colors. He also theorized that colors either have a
blue or yellow underbased. He was the first person to discover color
palettes for people.
Albers was a German artist who expounded on the principles of Chevreul,
along with Johannes Itten. He
published Interaction of Color in 1963, “which
presented his theory that colors were
by an internal and deceptive logic.”.
He worked both in Europe and the U.S.
1916Wilhelm Ostwald
Ostwald was a color theorist who wrote “The
Color Primer.”
He was also a painter who made his own pigments. He wrote about pleasing (or harmonious) and
displeasing or neutral combinations of colors.
He commented on color influencing emotions and environment.

Carl Jung (met Freud in 1906)
"Carl Jung, a renowned psychiatrist and proponent of art therapy, encouraged his patients to use color because he felt this would help them express some of the deeper parts of their psyche. It is believed that the color choices you make reflect a deeper meaning about your personality traits. For example, introverts and extroverts are likely to choose different colors – blue and red respectively. "
Man and His Symbols
Many psychological concepts were first proposed by Jung, including the archetype, the collective unconscious, the complex, andsynchronicity. Popular psychometric instruments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), have been principally developed from Jung's theories.
Belle Northrup |
The Story of Costume Told in Pictures c) 1935
A short description of historic fashion,: With index and suggestions for using the accompanying thirty historic costume plates,c) 1925
Grace Morton |
"Grace Margaret Morton was head of the textiles and clothing division at the University of Nebraska for over twenty years. During that time, she was appreciated by her students and fellow faculty members as a person of unusual talents. A scholar of wide interests, she had a vision that placed her ahead of her time in sensing the psychological and economic implications possible in as study of clothing.
Her expressed goal in her teaching of both undergraduates and graduates was to help students to recognize and value beauty, to strivee to bring it into their surroundings, and to achieve real creative satisfaction in their use of color, line and texture in their study of clothing.
A tall and striking figure, Grace Morton evidenced her creative abilities in her own manner of dress and in her beautiful home. Both showed the distinction and elegance which were a part of her unique personality. Her untimely death came a few months after the publication of The Arts of Costume and Personal Appearance in 1943. Through the generosity of her family, the rights to her book were given, ten years later, to the University of Nebraska as a memorial to her. The accumulated royalties have provided a substantial addition to the Grace Margaret Morton Scholarship Fund."
The Arts of Costume and Personal Appearance
c) 1943
Harriet McJimsey |
McJimsey, Harriet: Art of Fashion in Clothing Selection c) 1959
Robert Dorr
Key Color System
Key Color System
1938, Rober Dorr created the Color Key System. He based his system on warm and cool skin
tones, coordinating cool colors with Summer and Winter as Key 1 and warm colors
with Spring and Autumn as Key 2. He also
discovered that our undertone and overtone can differ, one being cool and the
other warm potentially. So one could
have a yellow undertone and still have a bluish look due to a cooler overtone.
also extended Itten’s
color spectrum to try to include more possible skin tones. He consulted on color with the film and
television industry. The Color Key System used
to coordinate colors to ensure they harmonize. It has been used by Benjamin Moore paints, universities,
graphic artists, fashion designers, architects and interior designers.
Suzanne Caygill |
1942, book 1980
is the original American female color theorist and color analyst, who launched
the field of image consulting influenced by color. Her work took Johannes Ittens
color theory further into the world of fashion consulting. The
Method is carried on by students of hers and their students. She wrote “Color: the Essence of You.”
a wide range of sub-groups within each season, and gave them descriptive names
such as “Early Spring”, “Metallic Autumn”, or “Dynamic Winter”, each with its
own set of special characteristics.”
"Suzanne began her work in Personal Color Analysis in 1942 - when she had her revelation about the \"quality\" of color (Clear, Muted, Somber-Rich, Sharp) which she related to the Seasons. In my 12 years with her, she never made mention of Dorr\'s work. Her \"influence\" came from her 2 Aunt\'s interest in color (when she was a girl) and then from her experience as a milliner and designer. She may have found more on Dorr\'s and Itten\'s work later in her career, but her system for naming \"seasons\" was unique at the time."
- Include Suzanne in 1942 as originating her form of Personal Color Analysis (which is very different from all the others because the Season Diagnosis depends on the "quality" of color (Clear, Muted, Somber-Rich, and Sharp) .. not on cool / warm and not on any "sets of color" associated with a season.
- TV Show in 1952 -- "Living with Suzanne"
Color: The Essence of You
Lois Marlow-Scott, Ten Thousand Colors
Joan Songer, Personal Style Consulting
"In the 1960’s Joan Songer took a lot of Suzanne Caygill's basic theory and made it more applicable and easy for people to understand. She found artists who were experts in color identification and had them trained to do color analysis for both women, men and children. She taught classes on how to use and apply their color and style information. She called her business Personal Style Counselors. Joan once told me she was afraid to actually do the color analysis herself, but she did enjoy teaching the classes. She never wrote a book about her theory and how it was applied. It was not because she did not want to write one, but she was too busy with the frantic demand in her business coinciding with the explosive interest in self-development characteristic of that decade. Her contribution was to create a individualized color harmony system with classes to complement the information, creating one of the most comprehensive systems that still exists today." source
Personal Style Counselors
Personal Style Counselors |
Joan Songer
Joan Songer was a student of Suzanne Caygill and founded PSC.
John Kitchener Director & Chief Consultant · Feb 1978 to present
Since 1964, PSC is the oldest continuously operating personal "image", style and color educational consulting firm in the US. It is the only company of it's kin...d to require its consultants to have at least a BA in Art and to undergo a PSC apprenticeship training for two years. You are NOT a limited "season" in the PSC Concept - you ARE an individual and the PSC principles empower your authenticity.
Trained in the Caygill Method
Fran Muntz
Fran brings extensive experience in Marketing, Coaching and business management skills to Beauty for You. Fran started her Career with a hobby at the age of 15 when she enrolled in a Deportment and Modelling School in Invercargill NZ. This interest inspired her to train and qualify as a Beautician and Hairdresser owning her own salon and advanced to qualify as a Beauty Therapist.
COLOR 1, founded in 1968, is a forerunner in the evolution of the Image industry. It was the first company to train professional consultants in this unique segment of the fashion and beauty industries. As an ASSOCIATE or COLOR 1 CONSULTANT, you receive the most progressive, total-image training available. You'll also be part of an international network of Associates and Consultants with whom you can collaborate and learn new "high visibility" ideas and strategies. COLOR 1 has received major coverage in numerous national and international publications including Leslie Scott, CEO | |
Anne Sagendorph-Moon
Beyond Business as Usual
Dress For Your Future
Dress For Your Future
Trained in the Caygill Method
Fran Muntz
Director Beauty for You
Jeunique – Beauty for all Seasons – Products and Services
Lindquist Associates
Debra Lindquist is an image veteran with many years of experience. She has been visible as a consultant, color system designer, retailer and trainer. Her premier color system, Color Profiles, Ltd.™, created in 1974, has been utilized by many consultants and is considered to be one of the finest color design systems available.
Color Me Beautiful
Carole Jackson – The trailblazer of colour consultation
Carole Jackson made colour consultation accessible to the public. She founded the international corporation “Color me Beautiful” in 1974 and wrote a book with the same title as well as a book titled “Make-up with Color me Beautiful”.
Color Me Beautiful c) 1980
by Carole Jackson
Color Me Beautiful Europe Image ConsultantsCarole Jackson made colour consultation accessible to the public. She founded the international corporation “Color me Beautiful” in 1974 and wrote a book with the same title as well as a book titled “Make-up with Color me Beautiful”.
Color Me Beautiful c) 1980
by Carole Jackson
Color Me Beautiful Looking Your Best |
includes small color swatches for each of the 12 seasons that are pretty accurate. (Problems with precise color printing make this very difficult to find in books.)
Mary Spillane and Christine Sherlock, Color Me Beautiful's Looking Your Best
"Spillane and Sherlock introduced an expanded classification system, in which the four "seasonal" palettes were expanded to twelve.[33]
Veronique Henderson and Pat Henshaw Henderson and Henshaw combine the seasonal analysis method with a classification system based on contrasts in an individual's coloring, returning to the previous color study from doris Pooser in the early 1990s." wikipedia
Basics of the 4 Color Seasons
Color Me A Season |

- Kentner insisted that skin color was the key to determining the base color that all the others must rest on, not hair or eye color. She believed that skin color alone would determine whether one was a Summer, a Winter, a Spring, or an Autumn. This can cause confusion, because the color of the hair may be the first thing that strikes the observer's eye (particularly if the hair color is dramatic). Okay, so skin tone is the determinant for one’s primary palette of colors. Then, if the hair color itself dictates a different season, this would become the secondary palette of colors.
Seasonal Skin Tone Color Matching
Color Me a Season: How to Find and Use Your...
by Bernice Kentner
Color Me A Season Since 1979, four True Seasons, and 3 blends each. Beautiful names, but little visuals on the site.
Deborah Chase, The Medically Based No Nonsense Beauty Book
The New Medically Based No-Nonsense Beauty Book
"Chase explored the impact of skin pigments on coloration. She noted that there are three primary pigments that give the skin its color: "Melanin, which gives the skin its brown tones; carotene, which imparts the yellow skin tones; and hemoglobin, the red pigment in the blood, which gives the skin its pink and red hues....The three pigments--melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin join one another to produce our flesh tones." wikipedia1980s
"In the 1980's a leading Image Consultant, Carolyn Miller, (House of Color) recognised that, while easy to understand, four seasons on their own was too rigid, inflexible and not sufficient to provide each client with an individual colour analysis that was both representative of their best colours and usable."
1980 Segerstrom

Jane Segerstrom
There is another out of print set of books that also has a four type system:
Jane Segerstrom's Look Like Yourself and Lo... c) 1980
Style Strategy: Winning the Appearance Game c) 1988
Carla Mathis
In 1981 Carla Mathis founded ColorStyle, now the Body Beautiful Institute, training Personal Stylists throughout the world to offer the highest level of individualized service in the industry. In 2005 Carla's son Eric joined the company as CEO to help take her life-changing discoveries to a broader audience. Together this dynamic mother-son duo developed the Body Signature System and the Stylist Network--now used by Personal Stylists and Image Consultants worldwide. Thousands of people have been trained by Carla Mathis and her Institute--many have gone on to become top Image Consultants. Used as a textbook at leading design schools, Carla's book The Triumph of Individual Style defined the science and language that Image Consultants use today. Body Beautiful is based in Los Angeles, California.
Pat Scott Vincent
Founder of Colour Flair
Colourflair opened its doors in August 1984, working from a small studio in Brighton town centre. For Pat Scott Vincent, it was the culmination of a dream she had harboured since leaving her career in commerce and the media to bring up a family.
When Pat learned about personal colour analysis in 1982, she immediately recognised that it resolved many of the problems she had encountered with colour for cosmetics and clothes over the years.
1983 Donner
Color for Body & Soul: Discover Yourself and Your Temperament Through Color by Naomi E. Donner |
Joan Callaway
(Joan Callaway's palette she shared here at Beauty Valued).
The Color Connection: From a Retailer's Perspective
By Joan S. Callaway
"A graphic and photographic representation of the Seasonal Color Harmony theory as it relates to the fashion industry and is being taught by color consultants around the world. This book is an essential reference for designers, buyers, sales associates, as well as consumers who wish to expand their knowledge and refine their style with or without having had their colors painted or draped. ... Much of the book is a composite of theories as that I have learned through reading, seminars and from having my colors done eight times, including by Suzanne Caygill, author of Color, The Essence of You. "1986
Joanne Nicholson and Judy Lewis-Crum, Color Wonderful
"Another method of analysis was developed by color consultants Joanne Nicholson and Judy Lewis-Crum, whose 1986 book Color Wonderful [34] explains their classification system, which is based on the amount of contrast in an individual's coloring." wikipediaColor Wonderful

David Kibbe's Metamorphosis
David Kibbe's Metamorphosis
Group II/Dusty/Summer
Group IV/Contrast/Winter
Jennifer Robin
author of
Karen Brunger is Founder and President of the International Image Institute and international Past-President of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). She is a recipient of the international Award of Excellence and was Who’s Who Canadian of the Year for 2009. Karen served as AICI’s international VP Education for four years, where she was responsible for the standards of image training worldwide. She is also a Past-President of the Toronto chapter of AICI.
Rochele Hirsch
Graduate of Suzanne Caygill's Academy of Color
"For a lifetime tool that supports your authentic style, I hand-paint a palette of colors, using acrylic paints, to match and harmonize with your natural coloration."
Caygill Method
Taylor B. Sinclaire
IlluminEssensce® is based on The Science of Human Harmony™, a science discovered by IlluminEssensce founder, Taylore B Sinclaire over 20 years ago.

Angela Wright, FRSA
Color Psychology
"She studied psychoanalytical psychotherapy at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, England, before studying the dynamics of colour in Carmel, California, USA, and identified links between patterns of colour and patterns of human behaviour. She formulated a clear hypothesis, which became the basis of the Colour Affects System, an academically sound and demonstrably effective system that crossed cultural boundaries and, for the first time, enabled colour psychology to be applied objectively, rationally and with remarkable accuracy."
The Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology
by Angela Wright, FRSA c) 1995
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
correction: NOT a student of Caygill
Blair Massey
Certified Image Consultant & Style Coach
Always Looking Your Best
Color Me Beautiful 1995
Color Alliance and Signia 2015
Who Do You Think You Are Anyway?
by Robert A. Rohm
DISC Personality Test
What does he have to do with color?
See correlations with DYT
Darin Wright of Elea Blake
12 Tone Pictures (examples) - Reveal Consultancy
Maytee Garza Closed her business
This page shows women draped and categorized in the 12 Tones/Seasons along with minipalettes. Maytee Garza, Former Sci\Art Certified Trainer and Analyst c) 1999
SCI/Art |
Understanding Your Color: A Guide to Personal Color Analysis
Kathryn Kalisz Donovan founder of 12 Tone sytem
student of Caygill
Alan Flusser, Dressing the Man
Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Perm...
Kerry Stitch, certified SciArt™ color analyst
Indigo Tones
Color My Closet: Lauren Battistini
Haute couture feeling from this analyst. Mainly advertising her constulting services.
Jennifer Butler
student of Caygill
Ten Thousand Colors

Christine Scaman, Certified Sci/Art Color Analyst
Return to Your Natural Colors
Anna Villaruel
Donna Cognac
The Color Advisor
Essential Colors
Donna Cognac
The Color Advisor
Essential Colors
"The principles of repeating one's contrast level as well as the color temperatures and intensities that compliment their personal coloring are combined in a system developed by Donna Cognac. It relates 16 different color harmonies to the energy of nature's five elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Palettes are various combinations of these 5 elemental energies. For example any palette with a very bright appearance or a very warm overall color temperature is a Fire palette to one degree or another and is consistent with the essence of the wearer." Wikipedia
Beauty for All Seasons: Color Alliance
Color Alliance ® (CA) Also known as Beauty For All Seasons - (which no longer exists, actually now it is used in conjunction with Color Me Beautiful/Color Me Direct). How to find an analyst that does this system:
It is one of the modern and attractive color analysis methods addressed both at men and women. It was developed by Norma Virgin, an American mathematician, color theory expert, founder of “Beauty For All Seasons, Inc.”. The method consists in a more precise color measurement that eliminates the margin of error, normally related to an individual analysis by the advising analyst. The CA method defines also one’s personal color palette, and this theory led to a major breakthrough in color analysis.
Carol Tuttle
Dressing Your Truth c) 2010
Lora Alexander, certified Image Consultant
Esthiology license in 1998 from the Aveda Institute in Minneapolis
Esthiology license in 1998 from the Aveda Institute in Minneapolis
Color Revival, book and eBook
Color Revival: Understanding the 12 Season ...
Pretty Your World: Color Revival by Lora Alexander
Lora Alexander's Blog
Color Revival: Understanding the 12 Season ...
Pretty Your World: Color Revival by Lora Alexander
Lora Alexander's Blog
student of Caygill in New York
Wendy J. Smith
All Your Winning Colors
hen you combine genealogy and seasonal color analysis, it's like a chocolate-vanilla swirl cone for me! My two favorite topics! And Wendy J. Smith has done it in her two books, "All Your Winning Colors" and "Love Me, Love My Colors."
Jane Leu Rekas, LCSW, CHt
Certified in Color Me A Season
Color Profiles individualized fans
Blair Massey
Certified Image Consultant & Style Coach
Always Looking Your Best
Color Me Beautiful 1995
Color Alliance and Signia 2015
https://alwayslookingyourbest.comKathy Pfeiffer
Student of Debra Lindquist
RoseAnn Woolpert
Personal Color Palettes
Your Personal Colors Color Palette is a custom selection of colors, fabrics and textures that match or complement your skin, hair and eyes. Additionally, there are colors, patterns and metals that harmonize with these personal colors and express your uniqueness. Each color on your palette creates a different impression upon you and those around you, making you appear more formal or relaxed and approachable, more romantic, more exciting, more credible, more quiet and calm, or more “pulled together”. When created just for you, not pre-packaged, this is a unique array of colors, textures and patterns. Your Personal Colors Color Palette, drawn from a collection of over 5,000 different fabric swatches, is a one of a kind guide to color in your life.
Jeanine Byers Hoag
Pretty Your World Color Analyst and Color Alliance representative
Dressing My Truth
student of Lora Alexander
- Truth is Beauty - Seasonal Color Analysis: Spring, Summer, Autumn,Winter Beautiful elegant site with sections you can click through of the seasons and each of their 3 categories, with celebrity examples. What Season Are You?
- Seasonal Color Analysis Blog, Yelena Starikova Very editorial coverage of models and celebs in all the palettes.
- My Best Colors: 620 colors from skin tone This is a very different system based on finding your exact skin tone.
Irenee Riter on Color |
- Irenee Riter’s site, The Science of Personal Dress, is like a college course in color and image analysis. Awesome.
Color With Style |
Donna Fujii
- Color With Style
She proposes an extensive system of color categorization for Asian, African-American and Latina women. This system hasn't yet caught on, but I think it deserves more attention. One of my goals for the near future is to attempt to reconcile Fujii's system with 12 season analysis. Color With Style
- Shop My Closet Boutique Debbie Handa
- Shop My Closet Color Guide One of the best visuals of the four main seasons' homebase palettes and how they blend to become the 3 versions of each season.
For information about advertising in the Image Resource Directory, please contact AICI at
- DominiQue IsbecQue International
The Image Resource Center of New York
- Elaine Stoltz Image Consulting Certified training for image consultants
- Fashion Image Institute
Online Courses for Image Consultants
- Image Innovators Innovative • Image Resources • Training
- The ImageMaker, Inc.® Your Source for Training/Educating/ Mentoring/ Communications Worldwide
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this is an incredible post. :)
Easily, the post is really the greatest on this laudable topic. I concur with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your future updates. Image Consultant Singapore
Please can you correct your info on Joan Callaway. Her palette was not done by me, Kathy Pfeiffer. It was the palette she used most and showed it to me when I met her. Thank you.
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