first posted 7/14/13
Sometimes I think that the Four Type Systems* and Seasonal Color Analysis are like Star Wars and Star Trek.
(And please don't get upset as to which I associate with which, I'm going to try to go with historical longevity).
(And please don't get upset as to which I associate with which, I'm going to try to go with historical longevity).
So why am I saying this? Well, I woke to a reader's email that struck a cord of one of the most irritating dilemma's behind this blog, right after secondaries. What is that you ask? Ok, the question is whether the 12 seasons match up with the Four Types at all. Believe me, I come down on both sides of this argument in my head all the time, flip flopping like I'm an insomniac.
Remember one thing. I am not an expert. I am not trained. I am just obsessed, likely as you are, or you wouldn't be reading this. I am merely writing what many of you might be struggling to work out. Maybe some of you are past this. Maybe some of you haven't hit it yet. But many of you know how irritating this is. But I will also say, that this question must be asked and attempted to be answered or none of us will really sleep well. Wait, not that. I should be able to be answered without being trained. It should be an answer available to the masses! Let them eat cake. Wait, I should be on a diet, let the Emperor have some clothes!
Oh, this blog post is already a headache.
But back to the original question: can you be a fan of both? (I'm not talking Star Wars or Trek, I'm not quite nerdy enough to know whether their fans commingle at conventions or have turf wars.) Wait, that's not the original question! Can you be analyzed in one system with a completely unrelated outcome to how you are Typed in the other? That is the question.

Or is it? The reader said she is a Warm Spring and a Type 2. She referred to the 12 Blueprints author, Christine Scaman's work and polyvores combining any Season with any Type. Let's call this supposition B.
To be direct, my first reaction to Scaman's polyvores was to want to faint like a Baptist if someone used profanity in church. So what does tha say? First, she is brazen and brilliant, she can't be all wrong. Second, either I know the four type systems better, possibly true, or I'm full on brain washed, also possibly true. You be the judge. Just don't tell me, or I will write another tirade.
Supposition A Sorry, coloring does matter. If you are a Summer of any variety you must be a Type 2 with any secondary. And no other Seasons can join in the calm peace of it all. But it's more than that, this supposition is based on believing a few specific tenants. Ironically, these are tenants that I thought Scaman agreed with herself, unless I'm hopelessly wrong. I'm not sure I can fully articulate all of what I sense is connected, but the main thing that comes to mind is that if you read Scaman's book she does a beautiful and amazing job of indicating personality features associated with each of the 12 season. In fact, accidentally this correlation gets overlooked or even forgotten in the fast food deliver and consumption of Seasons online. So Supp. A says that the personality of a Soft Autumn will best fit in the Type 3 category... especially if you allow for secondaries, come on! Ready for another mind pretzel? The Four Type systems generally say that other factors than color draping determine your type. Most describe personality factors (though IE only brings that up after to confirm), or facial features (not all of them include that, I'll give you that). But then they give you a color palette (not what they call it) that is supposed to express you!!!!!!!!!! If it somehow clashes, what are you supposed to do then? But even still, you can directly see how the four types came from the four seasons. Girrl, pleeze! |
Supposition B Here's where I paraphrase the comment from the email. She essentially shared her own experience being one Season and another Type. But then she said that trying to correlate the types and seasons is "play" and "simplifying" and ultimately doesn't work. Ouch, is there a slight slam in there? :) (She didn't mean it). Or is it too early in the morning and I am obsessively writing this before I've even eaten...? yes. Ok, here's what happened also to me recently, I was talking to someone who really and truly felt that they were a Season that didn't match up with their type (sorry, wish I could remember more of the details). And I support that person and any person who wants to bend the rules. Hell, the rules of the evil chart may be complete hogwash anyway. |
Tangent on Secondaries: from what I've gathered, when incorporating secondary energy in the Types world, you stick to your original palette or chroma, and incorporate a few of the other factors, such as design lines, fabrication, print types, jewelry shapes, etc. So technically you don't ever get to wear any of the blends of color palettes that the 12 Seasons has given us. I'd like to find out if this is actually how all the authors of the Four Type systems feel, but I probably won't get that chance. Recently in my FB group, we've been exploring breaking these two rules. Shhhhhhhhhhh... don't tell.
So are you a Trekkie or -- what do they call Star Wars fans? -- or both? Are you a Catholic or a Protestant I might as well be saying. Metaphorically, people! Are you a fundamentalist or a mystic? Oops, no offense!!!!!!!!! Is there a rigid document that will eventually force us all to dress logically? or shall we search within our own hearts and intuitively wear what expresses us? Is there some truth on each side? Yes. Stop it.
Anybody who gets through this post and comments (or uses email form) can have a free Astro Twins done.
*BTW, I will be saying FTS or Four Type Systems instead of DYT from here on out, since there are so many of them.
Types/Tones & 12 Seasonal Paletttes,
aka "The Evil Chart"
This correlation of Four Type Systems and the 12 Seasonal Palettes is purely hypothetical and not endorsed by either system. |
We wouldn't have the "evil" chart if it didn't work some of the time... how about it with use it as descriptive rather than proscriptive?

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH: Informed by Astrology