Color Analysts Map
Sunday, July 28, 2013
political satire
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Presidential Temperament
"A look at personality types and U.S. presidents. Ray Choiniere, co-author with David Keirsey of "Presidential Temperament", discusses the characteristics brought to the Presidency by each of the 4 temperaments. Examples cited include George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Bil Clinton. Excerpted from "Please Understand Me: The DVD"."
At the time of the making of this video on presidents of the temperaments, Ray Choiniere, makes the observation that there have been no Idealist presidents. So I went to look up Obama's MBTI. He's been typed as ENFJ, INFJ, INTP, and ISTP. So there's a 50% opinion that he's an Idealist.
The Mt. Rushmore Presidents
George Washington, Guardian Abraham Lincoln, Rational
Jefferson, Rational also Teddy Roosevelt, Artisan
(both Roosevelt's were Artisans)
I'm going to come back and say more about their noses.....
In this excerpt from my eBook, ASTRO-TYPE FACE READING eBOOK, I show how Washington can be considered Phlegmatic and Reagan Sanguine.... Of course, different people correlate the Keirsey temperaments with the four humors differently.
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Four Type Systems
Growing List!

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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- GREEK Humors
- Body Type & Temperament
- MBTI Keirsey Temperaments
- What's My Style?
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever with quiz
- Lion Otter Beaver Retriever
- Color Code
- LEAD Personality Inventory
- Masculine Heart Quiz
- Masculine Heart 4 Types of Men
- Tim LaHaye's Humors Test
- Littauer Personality Types
- Elemental Love Styles
- 4 MAT System
- Tony Robbin's DISC test
- Dr. ROHM on personality & parenting
- CAYGILL Color: The Essence of YOu
- KITCHENER Personal Style Counselors
- SEGERSTROM Look Like Yourself & Love It
- DONNER Color for Body & Soul
- SINCLAIRE IlluminEssence
- RITER Science of Personal Dress
- WRIGHT Colour Psychology
- TUTTLE DYT Dressing Your Truth
- CARROLL Living in Your Element
- Energy Dressing
- Beyond Business as Usual

Four Type Systems Books
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Friday, July 26, 2013
The Nose Knows
Types of Noses
I started a nose blog: Right on the Nose
I found this graphic in some article on socionix, and offshoot of MBTI. It depicts some aspects of noses, as a part of the profiles, of the four humors.
As you can see, the Sanguine is upturned and sort of round, the Phlegmatic has a slight downturn, the Choleric has a hook and the Melancholic is quite straight (it can go up straight or down, we'll get to that).
You also really can't evaluate noses properly, unless you look at them in the context of the whole profile. Read what I've posted before on convex and concave profiles. Also, I write about the elements and astrological aspects of face reading in my latest eBook: ASTRO-TYPE FACE READING eBOOK
Here's the same yin nose on three different photoshopped profiles. This could only not be a T3 nose.
First a little aside about the anatomy of the nose. I'm sure I'll be investigating this aspect more later.
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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I started a nose blog: Right on the Nose

As you can see, the Sanguine is upturned and sort of round, the Phlegmatic has a slight downturn, the Choleric has a hook and the Melancholic is quite straight (it can go up straight or down, we'll get to that).
You also really can't evaluate noses properly, unless you look at them in the context of the whole profile. Read what I've posted before on convex and concave profiles. Also, I write about the elements and astrological aspects of face reading in my latest eBook: ASTRO-TYPE FACE READING eBOOK
Here's the same yin nose on three different photoshopped profiles. This could only not be a T3 nose.
a. concave (type 2), b. straight (type 4), c. convex (type 1)
Tangent:First a little aside about the anatomy of the nose. I'm sure I'll be investigating this aspect more later.
Yin Noses
The Celestial (turned up): Carey Mulligan’s turned-up shape is a beauty (could be a Sanguine nose or possibly Phlegmatic according to Greeks)
You can see that overall, Carey's faces is more convex (maybe straight), like Type 1
(even though she might be a 1/2).
Is Marilyn a T1 or T2? She has created a T1 image and her nose is upturned,
so overall that fits, though she maybe have a slightly stronger chin.
Turned up
Description: Lightly convex side profile, with tip turned up.
Example: Marilyn Monroe
Supposed personality: Supposed personality: Nurturing, loving and supportive. Enjoys new experiences.
A short nose
"....idealistic, extremely kind and highly sensitive. Your emotional sensitivity and child-like sweetness endear you to're often on the defensive, you're not easy to get to know well. You have a dislike of anything that's different... (
Yang Noses
The hawk (or aquiline or Roman): Barbra Streisand's sharp profile is unattractive to some.
(Apollonic Choleric or possibly Saturnine Sanguine)
Description: Strongly convex profile. Thin and sharp.
Example: John Lennon
Supposed personality: Individual, perhaps rebellious.
This nose has some qualities of the T3 hawk, but has no bump, making it more T4.
Long and Slim nose: active, decisive, interested in many things, dynamic, freedom loving, chasing unattainable ideals, often dissatisfied, slightly bossy, you like things done your way (
(This would be a Wood nose in Chinese Face Reading).
The Roman: With a sloping tip, Tom Cruise’s shows ambition (less straight than a Grecian nose) (Apollonic Choleric or Saturnine Sanguine), note that the Hawk of Barbara Streisand could also be called Roman
Description: Convex in profile, like a hook. Also known as 'aquiline' (eagle-like).
Example: Abraham Lincoln
Supposed personality: Measured, thoughtful. Influencing. Organizers.
Aquiline: a small prominent bridge that makes it look curved
No half measures, enthusiastic, charismatic
(Could be considered Roman or Grecian, sometimes the terms are mixed up)
Uma is said to be an Iridescent Summer
Greek Description: Straight profile. Example: Admiral Lord Nelson
Supposed personality: Logical, cool, rational. Matter-of-fact and straightforward.
Grecian Nose--the straight nose bridge of the Melancholic or T4.
See more noses at:
pinterest board of noses
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
Coming soon!
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
My ancester, Aeppli, and Steiner

Aetti Willi Aeppli
This is my great grandfather and his wife Mono. I have a blog on my genealogy hobby. Willi is my father's mother's father. I discovered that his interests must have been passed down to me subconsciously. He was a student of Steiner, who created Waldorf schools which are based on teaching by temperament, and he wrote several books on children's education. Steiner is also important in the history of color theory.
Books by Willi Aeppli:
Biography and Waldorf Education (Paperback)
The Developing Child (Paperback)
Sense and Nonsense in Education
Teacher, Child and Waldorf Education
Steiner on Temperaments
Books by Willi Aeppli:
Biography and Waldorf Education (Paperback)
The Developing Child (Paperback)
Sense and Nonsense in Education
Teacher, Child and Waldorf Education
Willi Aeppli
Born in 1894 in Ada, Ghana, where his parents were active in the Basel Mission. After school, he attended the seminary in Zurich. It was followed by a study of the Germanic, the German language and literature at the University of Zurich. From 1921 he had several encounters with Rudolf Steiner. By 1927, Willi Aeppli taught at various cantonal schools.From 1927, a year after the founding of the Rudolf Steiner School in Basel, he was there, working up to his death in 1972, as a teacher.
"Willi Aeppli (1894–1972) was a master Waldorf teacher in the Rudolf Steiner School in Basel, Switzerland. He is remembered as an excellent teacher who used his observations and daily experience to enrich his classroom teaching. He also led many informal courses on the art of education for teachers and prospective teachers throughout his long career as an educator."
"Anthroposophy, a spiritual philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner, postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world accessible to direct experience through inner development—more specifically through cultivating conscientiously a form of thinking independent of sensory experience. In its investigations of the spiritual world, anthroposophy aims to attain the precision and clarity of natural science's investigations of the physical world. Whether this is a sufficient basis for anthroposophy to be considered a spiritual science has been a matter of controversy."

"Based on his experiments with turbid media, Goethe characterized colour as arising from the dynamic interplay of darkness and light. Rudolf Steiner, the science editor for the Kurschner edition of Goethe's works, gave the following analogy:
Modern natural science sees darkness as a complete nothingness. According to this view, the light which streams into a dark space has no resistance from the darkness to overcome. Goethe pictures to himself that light and darkness relate to each other like the north and south pole of a magnet. The darkness can weaken the light in its working power. Conversely, the light can limit the energy of the darkness. In both cases color arises.—Rudolf Steiner, 1897[19]"
Color History Timeline
Steiner defended Goethe's qualitative description of color as arising synthetically from the polarity of light and darkness, in contrast to Newton's particle-based and analytic conception. Steiner documented Goethe's success in documenting the evolutionary and transformational aspects of plants and celebrated Goethe's appreciation of plant archetypes (Urpflanze). Steiner speculated Goethe had sought, but been unable to find altogether, a corresponding metaphorphosis in animal biology.[61] He emphasized the role of evolutionary thinking in Goethe's discovery of the intermaxillary bone in human beings; Goethe expected human anatomy to be an evolutionary transformation of animal anatomy.[61]
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Monday, July 22, 2013
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
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Sunday, July 21, 2013
In the EYT Facebook Support Group, we've been playing with paperdolls!
Here's an example of how to do it:
I use photoshop elements, so the directions work for that.
Look for a picture on pinterest boards by type, or google a celebrity you know is the type you want to experiment with (add the word "outfit" or "street style", etc).
For example, here are some Type 2 celebs without faces that could be used as paperdolls.
But be sure to also pic a celeb or model that has a similiar body type to yours, and hopefully hair that is in your shade range and length...
Let's say I want to try on Maggie G's outfit...

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH: Informed by Astrology
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Here's an example of how to do it:
I use photoshop elements, so the directions work for that.
Look for a picture on pinterest boards by type, or google a celebrity you know is the type you want to experiment with (add the word "outfit" or "street style", etc).
For example, here are some Type 2 celebs without faces that could be used as paperdolls.
![]() |
click for larger |
Let's say I want to try on Maggie G's outfit...
the first thing I'm going to do is widen the pic without changing the height,
that will make her a little thicker, sorry Maggie:
NOTE: do not save as a .jpg until the very end!
and actually .gif works better
keep all steps saved as .tiff or you will get blurry (lossy) outcomes
Next I have to find a pic of my face that is the same direction
Here's where it get's tricky.
Photoshop Tip 1: change your marquee tool to elliptical to grab a face
Then use "Select" and "Inverse" and delete and you get this:
Then you can select all and the border will be transparent.
Then paste onto your paperdoll (and shrink usually).
Here's where you might want to flip your face.
Tip 2: use "Image", "Rotate", "Flip Layer Horizontal"
Tip 3: exactly match up the chin, very important
then delete to show the original hair or keep your hair, your choice
Tip 4: before you merge layers, change the brightness & contrast
("Enhance" then "Adjust Lighting")
so that your skin matches the paperdolls neck
Tip 5: the smudge tool is your friend
If you use Paint:
"You can open the paper dolls picture in paint. Use the selector to pull edge of the paper/picture out so you have some white space to use for your head shot. "Paste From" and select a picture with your face in it. Shrink down the picture soyour head is the right size. Go to "Select" and select the "free form". Trace around your face or whatever part you are going to cut out. Then click the face and drag over to where you want it. You can adjust for size if you still need to, but it will warp if you do it too much at this point. Then go to the selector again and pick "rectangular". Pull a square over the main picture, leaving out the white space you gave yourself to cut out your head ;). Then hit crop."
Online Photo Manipulation Programs
Here are some Type 1 paperdolls:
![]() |
click for larger |
If you would like me to do your paperdolls:
Send me some pics to work with.Pay what it's worth to you |

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH: Informed by Astrology
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