Sunday, September 1, 2024

Five years have passed...

My last update was in 2019.

Hello!  It's been awhile.  Life happens.  My husband, Greg, who just happens to be in the collage above, got rather ill and lost his job.  He's better now.  But we had to move so I could get a job with benefits.  It's been quite stressful!!  I've been working 60+ hours a week and just trying to survive.  Well my husband finally got on disability (yay!) so I can cut back to a more normal work week.  This has opened up a little room for me to find something to explore again.  So I found a class on Meyers-Briggs type personality typing.  I've obsessed about that here before (as you may recall).  Anyway, the class is called OBJECTIVE PERSONALITY

As it turns out, my husband isn't always ok.  He has Sarcoidosis and numerous other concerns. I continue to work an insane number of hours. I discovered that I have Lipedema. I am working on getting surgical treatment.

At that time, I mentioned Objective Personality. I thought I had the personality type similar to Isabella Rosselini.  Then I thought I was an ISTJ jumper. 

I actually look more like Maggie Gyllenhaal.

It turns out, I was officially types as and ISFJ jumper:

That means I am an ISFJ.  But instead of functioning in the typical order Si Fe Ti Ne, I jump the second function. I think of it as demoting the Fe.  I'm Si Ti Fe Ne.

This year we moved to Husum, WA, near where we were married. This was after my mother passed in April.

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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