Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psychology of Red: Jennifer Butler

See also Reds for Everyone!

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

Temperament, Personality & Mood

Temperament and Personality are related but different.  I may have blogged on this before... The reason is it interesting is that it may be related to Secondaries.  I am wondering if our dominant type is our Temperament and our Secondaries are more related to our Personality... or our attachment to our learned Personality factors feel more real to us than our Temperament, so we think it negates or contradicts it somehow, or in some other way clouds our understanding of our deeper nature.  Also, temperament is so much simpler and basic, and then we throw a lot of judgments on top of it, which are really more personality features...

Temperament is pretty constant your entire life (probably) and even biological. (Nature)
Personality is a layer above temperament, learned, culturally and experience influenced. (Nurture)
Temperament and Personality are the platform upon which your  moods and emotions happen.
(For example, the Sanguine temperament provides a generally positive baseline, 
while the Melancholic is a generally negative temperament platform).
Mood is above both and fluctuates extensively (unless it gets stuck, which is a mood disorder).

"Some of the characteristics related to temperament include: activity (relaxed or moving around), regularity (sleeping habits), initial reaction (withdrawal or approach), adaptability (adjustments to changes), intensity (reactions), mood (happiness or sadness), distractibility (concentration), persistence (losing interest in some activity), and sensitivity (stimulation).""Personality is what arises within an individual. Personality, which remains throughout an individual’s life, is made up of certain characteristic patterns like behavior, feelings, and thoughts. Some of the fundamental characteristics related to personality are: consistency, psychological and physiological impact on behaviors and actions, and multiple expressions."

"Temperament is only one part of our makeup; personality and character comprise the other two parts. Your personality -- the way you project yourself -- is actually an outgrowth of your temperament. Character determines who you really are. Sometimes people project a good personality but have a bad character...

Temperament is not personality. What is temperament? The involuntary cause of your actions and reactions that influences approximately 20 to 30 percent of your current behavior. Note the adjective 'involuntary.' That means it is beyond your control. In fact, your academic interests and vocational abilities often result from the makeup of your temperament."
Tim La Haye

Correlation of the Four Temperaments and Depression

In a previous post on depression, I discovered that all types (temperaments) get depressed, just differently.

  • Type 1s are often hyperthymic (elevated, hypomanic) which is anxious and agitated, or hyper
  • Type 2s are often depressive because their energy is generally so low and sluggish
  • Type 3s are often anesthetic (insensitive) and are only depressed when they don't achieve what they think they should be able to
  • Types 4s are hyperesthetic (overly sensitive) nervous perfectionists, distressed when they fear inferiority
"Personality is divided into two parts: temperament and character.  Temperament is what we are born with; it emerges from biological codes in our genes as we develop. Examples include:
1) How much sleep we need
2) How much we avoid danger or seek out new situations
3) How much we persist; how easily we let go 
Character, in contrast, comes not from our genetics but from our experience of life. It is influenced by culture, upbringing, friendships and major life events.  Character and temperament overlap and influence each other: there is no clean line separating nature from nurture.
Temperament and Mood
Research has identified four temperaments that are associated with mood disorders: hyperthymiccyclothymicdysthymic and irritable.  This research is still limited: not everyone who has these temperaments will develop a mood disorder, and many people with mood disorders do not have these temperaments. "

So again

  • hyperthymic means elevated mood, T1
  • dysthymic means low grade depressive, probably T2
  • irritable and mistrustful probably relates to Choleric or T3
  • cylcothymic means cycles of mood, which is not correlated with T4, so these don't quite match up, but that's ok
One of my better posts correlating the Temperaments and Types

Personality models

There are a range of models relating to personality. although some are more about preferences and typing than inherent personality. These include:

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane
EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH: Informed by Astrology

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Type Order

I'm pretty sure my type order is 2/4/3/1.  Update: now I think 4/2/3/1.

Sanguine painting by 

'saNGgwin/ adjective: optimistic or positive, esp. in an apparently bad or difficult situation

 If Type 1 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly uplifting, light and bright. If Type 1 is your secondary, then your dominant type is lightened energetically (2/1 is lightened in color, 3/1 is warm, 4/1 is bright). If Type 1 is your *inferior, like me, then you might have what I call a "fun deficit." Only Type 4s can wear black, UNLESS you are a 1/4 which roughly correlates to Clear Spring. If you look up their palette in seasonal color analysis, they can wear black among their neutrals, grey too.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 1
Your Style
Type & Style
Spring in Styles

Phlegmatic painting by 

(flĕg-măt′ĭk) also phleg·mat·i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj. Having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament;

If Type 2 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly calm and calming, centered and peaceful, though sometimes prone to being anxious and overwhelmed with details. If Type 2 is your secondary, then your dominant type is softened. If Type 2 is your *inferior, then you might have less of a filter to keep from saying things that are hurtful, or have higher energy. Also, if you are a dominant T2, you are the least contrasted, as this type is blended, UNLESS you are a 2/4, esp. with dark hair, then you might find that you are not blended due to the contrasting effect of your secondary.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 2
Your Style
Type & Style
Summer in Styles

Choleric painting by 

(kŏl′ə-rĭk, kə-lĕr′ĭk) adj. Easily angered; bad-tempered, showing or expressing anger 

 If Type 3 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You are predominantly direct, dynamic and determined. If Type 3 is your secondary, then your dominant type is warmed. If Type 3 is your *inferior, then you might have less drive to get things done. Only Type 4s can wear black, UNLESS you are a 3/4 which roughly correlates to Dark Autumn. If you look up their palette in seasonal color analysis, they can wear black among their neutrals, brown/black too.

Playing with Types: Try on Type 3
Your Style
Type & Style
Autumn in Styles

Melancholic painting by 

(mĕl′ən-kŏl′ĭk) adj. Affect with or subject to melancholy; of or relating to melancholia (deep sadness, or gloom)

 If Type 4 is your dominant, then the four type theory says to emphasize this message in all aspects of your dress. You have the most contrast of all the types. You should be able to wear black (and white) where the others cannot (but you should drape for it, some T4s can't either). You are predominantly analytical, able to set good boundaries, may appear aloof, and have a smooth, still quality. If Type 4 is your secondary, then your dominant type has more contrast. If Type 4 is your *inferior, then you might be the least organized or interested in order, and also have low contrast.

*inferior is a term used in MBTI to indicate the last function or preference, which we usually are not very good at

Playing with Types: Try on Type 4
Your Style
Four Type Systems authors include: Segerstrom, Wright, Donner, Bulter, Garza/Lupo, etc. (before DYT)
Style System authors include: Northrup, McJimsey, Kentner, Pflaumer, Welch, Kibbe, etc. (style quiz)
Introduction to Secondaries

INCORPORATING SECONDARIES12 Page Introduction to Secondaries Now $5.00
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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Personality Plus series!

On 6:47 PM by Jane Rekas in    No comments
Personality Plus: How to Understand Others ...  Florence Littauer's Personality Plus original book in her series, is great.  She looks at the strengths of all the temperaments first, followed by chapters on the strategies to help each deal with their challenges. She addresses how we...
On 8:10 PM by Jane Rekas in    No comments
In this book, in Florence Littauer's series "Personality Plus," she applies the four greek humors to understanding children's temperaments and how to parent the four types.  She also goes through all the combinations of parent and child temperaments. Sanguine is "Popular" Phlegmatic is...
On 3:25 PM by Jane Rekas in    No comments
Florence Littauer applies her Personality Plus system to couples.  Sanguine is "Popular", Phlegmatic is "Pleasant", Choleric is "Powerful" and Melancholy is "Perfect."  For those of us interested in the seasonal color analysis use of Grieek Humors, Sanguine is like Spring or T1, Phlegmatic...
On 1:38 PM by Jane Rekas in    No comments
Here Florence Littauer and Rose Sweet apply the "Personality Plus" approach to the greek humors to understanding interactions at work. Personality Plus at Work: How to Work Successfully with Anyone by Florence Littauer  (Author), Rose Sweet  "No matter where...

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

Friday, February 13, 2015

Red Lippies & Nails @ Mindful of Our Makeup

Warm Spring MAC Lustreglass - Instant Gold$24.89Instant Gold, hi-shine overlaid with various tones of pearlized glazeMAC Lip Care - Lipstick - Lady Bug 3g/0.1oz$18.99Lady BugMaybelline New York Color Sensational High ...$0.99Coral Lustre Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Siren (2-Pack)$17.99Siren (2 pack)REVLON Colorburst Lip Butter, Peach Parfait...$10.00Peach ParfaitREVLON Super Lustrous Lipstick - Ravish Me ...Ravish Me Red True/Warm Spring... 

Cool Summer Rimmel London Stay Glossy Last & Shine ...$3.99Captivate Me (lasts up to 6 hours)Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Matte Collect...$9.59Rimmel "Kate Moss"Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick Dizzy$0.10Dizzy Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick Cherrylicious$4.88CherryliciousRimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick SPF 18, Viol...Violet PopRimmel London Lasting Finish Lipstick - 086...$8.79Sugar Plum True/Cool Summer Lippies! OPI NLL54 California...

Warm Autumn Clinique Long Last Lipstick ~ Spiced Apple$11.99Spiced AppleCover Girl Continuous Color Lipstick Shimme...$10.00Bronzed GlowCoverGirl Lipstick, Delish Regal, 255 .12 o...$7.95Delish COVERGIRL Lip Perfection Lipstick - Fervor$6.38Fervor (color is darker, almost berry colored)COVERGIRL Lip Perfection Lipstick - Temptat...$11.94TemptationElizabeth Arden - Exceptional Lipstick - No...$15.99Autumn True/Warm Autumn Lippies! Revlon...

Cool Winter Bourjois Lovely Rouge Lipstick - # 15 Rouge...$6.00Rouge BestClinique Different Lipstick ~ Ice Bloom$12.85Ice BloomCOVERGIRL Outlast All Day Two-Step Lipcolor...$4.74Hottie More lipsticks Essie Nail Polish – 89 Raspberry (15ml)$5.68 True/Cool Winter Nail Polish Clear Winter Makeup/Skin Product By Estee Lauder Pure Co...$12.99Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Plump Perfect Lips...$14.90MAC Cremesheen NEW Color:...

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Type to Type Rabbit Hole

I have tried so many ways of correlating MBTI.
It's a rabbit hole...

Type 1 EP, Type 2 IP mostly, Type 3 EJ, Type 4 IJ mostly

The graph below is a summary of nearly a dozen ways to correlate MBTI to the four humors that I have collected in previous posts.


1. Ken Voges is the originator in associating DISC behavior styles with Biblical
2. Association of the DISC behavior styles with Biblical characters; Understanding How
   Others Misunderstand You, 
Ken Voges & Ron Braund, Moody Press, Chicago, © 1994.
3. Cross reference of Myers-Briggs to DISC: Roger Fritz, Combined Application of the
     Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Personal Profile System, Learning
     Volume 1, Number 3, © Carlson Learning Company, 1991.

I'm pretty sure this correlation is wrong.

... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane