Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Grace Morton

  • Grace Morton

  • "Grace Margaret Morton was head of the textiles and clothing division at the University of Nebraska for over twenty years.  During that time, she was appreciated by her students and fellow faculty members as a person of unusual talents. A scholar of wide interests, she had a vision that placed her ahead of her time in sensing the psychological and economic implications possible in as study of clothing.
    Her expressed goal in her teaching of both undergraduates and graduates was to help students to recognize and value beauty, to strivee to bring it into their surroundings, and to achieve real creative satisfaction in their use of color, line and texture in their study of clothing.
    A tall and striking figure, Grace Morton evidenced her creative abilities in her own manner of dress and in her beautiful home.  Both showed the distinction and elegance which were a part of her unique personality.  Her untimely death came a few months after the publication of The Arts of Costume and Personal Appearance in 1943. Through the generosity of her family, the rights to her book were given, ten years later, to the University of Nebraska as a memorial to her. The accumulated royalties have provided a substantial addition to the Grace Margaret Morton Scholarship Fund."

  • ... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane

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