- SP/Artemis Sanguine T1, NT/Athena Phlegmatic T2, NF/Persephone Choleric T3, SJ/Hestia Melancholic T4, (source)
- SP/Artemis Sanguine T1, SJ/Hestia Phlegmatic T2, NT/Athena Choleric T3, NF/Persephone Melancholic T4 (source)
- SP/Artemis Sanguine T1, NF/Persephone Phlegmatic T2, SJ/Hestia Choleric T3, NT/Athena Melancholic T4, (source) THIS IS THE ONE I LIKE BEST
Which Goddesses (or Gods) Are You?
Rt. Rev. Michael A. Starsheen, GKC, ArchDr., H, SA
Gods Associated with Temperaments
The Dionysian Temperament (SP)
The God, Dionysus, who represents the Sensing-Perceiving (SP) group of MBTI types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP), characterizes this temperament. Using older models, such as that of Galen (200AD), this temperament is known as sanguine, and corresponds to Plato's (340BCE) artisan temperament. Keirsey and Bates later revised this temperament to be the Artisan, like Plato's characterization. Other models, such as the Personality Spectrum developed by Joyce Bishop (Carter, 2007), describe this temperament as the Adventurer. People who exemplify this temperament are characterized by a drive for freedom and spontaneity...
The Epimethean Temperament (SJ)
The Titan, Epimetheus, who represents the Sensing-Judging (SJ) group of MBTI types (ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ), characterizes this temperament. This temperament is also Galen's phlegmatic or Plato's guardian temperament, and can be known as the Guardian (revised Keirsey type) or the Organizer (Carter).People who exemplify this temperament are characterized by a drive for duty and belonging. They can learn from the myths of Epimetheus traits to avoid: trusting too much, over-reliance on the status quo, and acting before thinking things through. Remember that "Epimetheus" means "afterthought." Living in the past is a key aspect for these folks; they want things to happen as they always have, and tradition tends to be venerated. Epimethean personalities tend to be quite conservative, feeling that if it happened that way yesterday then it should happen that way today and tomorrow...
The Promethean Temperament (NT)
The Titan, Prometheus, who represents the Intuitive-Thinking (NT) group of MBTI types (INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP), characterizes this temperament. This is Galen's choleric temperament, Plato's scientist, the Rationalist (revised Keirsey-Bates), and the Thinker (Carter).People who exemplify this temperament are characterized by a drive for power, knowledge, and competence, and a tendency to sacrifice personal needs for the greater good. People should study the myths of Prometheus to see where they can get themselves into trouble: going against the prevailing mores and rules may bring mankind the "gift of fire," but the personal consequences can be dire. Also, there is a tendency not to think about the consequences of the gift to the recipients, merely that the gift is possible - e.g., nuclear weapons.
The Apollonian Temperament (NF)
The God, Apollo, who represents the Intuitive-Feeling (NF) set of MBTI types (ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ, INFP), characterizes this temperament. This corresponds to Galen's melancholic temperament, Plato's philosopher type, the Idealist (revised Keirsey-Bates), or the Giver (Carter). People who exemplify this temperament are characterized by a drive for self-examination, self-development, and self-actualization. People should study the myths of Apollo to see how his characteristics can support their needs, especially in the areas of art, healing, and divination. Apollonians tend to care how their behavior affects others, and be very much aware of the need to help humanity better itself.
Goddesses Associated with the Temperaments
Many women find these male God associations difficult to relate to in their own lives. They don't tend to act in a wildly Promethean or Dionysian way, and they evolve in ways that are not as obvious as the male archetypes do. So I constructed a set of temperament descriptions based on female Greek archetypes to help women better relate to their temperaments.
The Artemis Temperament (SP - Sanguine) [T1]
The feminine archetype most representative of the Dionysian or SP temperament is the Greek Goddess Artemis. As Goddess of the Hunt, the new Moon, and the Eternal Virgin (complete in herself), she well epitomizes the SP woman's need to follow her own course through life. Artemis ran only to the hunt and to adventure, surrounded by close companions and avoiding contact with those who would try to control her (mostly men)..."
The Hestia Temperament (SJ) [T3, but ould be T2 or T4]
The Goddess most clearly associated with the Epimethean or SJ temperament is Hestia, who was known as Vesta to the Romans. She is the goddess of home and hearth, the center and linchpin of family life, sustainer of traditions-Keeper of the Flame. Hestia is also virginal, not through lack of wanting anything different, but because it is inappropriate to change that state without the formalities of marriage.
The Athena Temperament (NT) [T4, but could be T2 or T3]
The Goddess most strongly associated with the Promethean or NT temperament is Pallas Athena. Athena is her father's daughter, and competent and at ease surviving and competing in a man's world. She teaches humanity the crafts of agriculture, weaving, and other cultural enhancements, sustains them in logic and in war, and provides a resource of wisdom. Athenians do not depend on the good graces of anyone outside themselves-they know and provide information as needed.
The Persephone Temperament (NF) [T2, but could be T3 or T4]
Lastly, the Goddess most strongly associated with the Apollonian or NF temperament is Persephone. As Demeter's daughter, she is somewhat smothered under her mother's expectations of her, indeed, in many myths, she doesn't even have a name of her own-she is known as the KorŽ or Girl. Her inability to stay grounded in her Self and lack of boundaries leads to her capture by Hades while she's out picking flowers, rather than attending to a task assigned by her mother. Hades then attempts to impose his own perspective on Persephone by making her the "Queen of the Underworld", and attempting to bind her to his reality by tricking her into eating the pomegranate seeds..."
See also Jean Shinoda Bolen's Gods in Every Man and Goddesses in Every Woman. Goddesses Questionnaire
OK Cupid Greek Goddess Archetype Quiz Tip: Login first! or choose "no thanks, just the results"
What am I on this quiz?
You are Hestia!
The Goddess of Home and Hearth
Hestia's desire is to feel happy and peaceful at home, especially in solitude. She is very introspective, spiritual, and thrives in religious activities or meditation. Although she tends to fade into the background in social situations, she is a great hostess and would be described as very welcoming and warm. Her biggest challenges are in communication with the outer world and expressing herself to other people.
... but hey, don't listen to me or anyone, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH! Jane