As we say goodbye to 2014, I find myself thinking about the post analysis let down... I've started to notice this little pattern. It first came to my attention when I got my new Caygill method fan, but also when I previously got a Color Alliance fan. Both of them were smaller than I expected, not just in dimensions, but also in choices. What a personalized palette does is tell you your best colors and therefore other colors are left out. It's kind of like buyers remorse. Is that all there is? Is that all I am? Am I really what these colors are telling me I am? Did part of me get left out? Is that enough? Am I enough? I've also watched other people have the initial glee of a color analysis only to later fall into anxiety or disappointment. It must be natural. It takes an adjustment to accept this 3D colorful mirror of ourselves. If we already were comfortable dressing in our true colors and styles, we already would be doing it, right? So be gentle with yourself as you usher in a new year, possibly with a new fan. Hey make it a fan of you, cuz you need to be celebrated!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with my fan!
... but hey, don't listen to me, EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH!