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Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
5 Chinese Elements & Food Cravings
Each element has an associated season, emotion, taste, organ, etc. Here is a brief chart of the five elements.
Season | Element | Emotion | Taste | Organ | Pathogen |
Autumn | Metal | Grief | Spicy | Lung, Large Intestine | Dryness |
Winter | Water | Fear | Salty | Kidney, Bladder | Cold |
Spring | Wood | Anger | Sour | Liver, Gallbladder | Wind |
Summer | Fire | Joy | Bitter | Heart, Small Intestine | Heat |
Indian Summmer | Earth | Worry | Sweet | Spleen, Stomach | Dampnes |
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Send me an email: Jane Rekas, LCSW
Friday, July 20, 2012
The columns for north and south have to do with the seasons in the two hemispheres.
Sign | Element | Qualities | Season: North | Season: South |
Aries | Fire | Hot & Dry | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) |
Taurus | Earth | Cold & Dry | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) |
Gemini | Air | Hot & Wet | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) |
Cancer | Water | Cold & Wet | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire) | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) |
Leo | Fire | Hot & Dry | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire) | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) |
Virgo | Earth | Cold & Dry | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire) | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) |
Libra | Air | Hot & Wet | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) |
Scorpio | Water | Cold & Wet | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) |
Sagittarius | Fire | Hot & Dry | Cold & Dry (Autumn/Earth) | Hot & Wet (Spring/Air) |
Capricorn | Earth | Cold & Dry | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire) |
Aquarius | Air | Hot & Wet | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire) |
Pisces | Water | Cold & Wet | Cold & Wet (Winter/Water) | Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire |
Aries is Fire in the Air Season - So that could be warm spring or light spring?
Taurus is Earth in the Air Season - so that is clear spring
Gemini is Air in the Air Season - so that could be true spring or light spring?
(in color analysis fire is correlated with autumn, usually)
(in color analysis fire is correlated with autumn, usually)
Cancer is Water in the Fire Season - that could be soft autumn
Leo is Fire in the Fire Season - so that could be true autumn
Virgo is Earth in the Fire Season - that could be deep autumn
(in color analysis earth is correlated with winter, usually)
(in color analysis earth is correlated with winter, usually)
Libra is Air in the Earth Season - that could be clear winter
Scorpio is Water in the Earth Season - that could be cool winter
Sagittarius is Fire in the Earth Season - that could be deep winter
(in color analysis water is correlated with summer, usually)
(in color analysis water is correlated with summer, usually)
Capricorn is Earth in the Water Season - so that could be cool summer
Aquarius is Air in the Water Season - so that could be light summer
Pisces is Water in the Water Season - so that would be true summer or soft summer? but there is no water/fire
More on the Elements

"According to Empedocles, Fire and Air are “outwardly reaching” elements, reaching up and out, whereas Earth and Water turn inward and downward. In his view, and that of later alchemists, the elements are not only material substances but also spiritual essences."
"It was Empedocles who established four ultimate elements which make all the structures in the world - fire, air, water, earth.[28] Empedocles called these four elements "roots", which he also identified with the mythical names of Zeus, Hera, Nestis, and Aidoneus[29] (e.g., "Now hear the fourfold roots of everything: enlivening Hera, Hades, shining Zeus. And Nestis*, moistening mortal springs with tears."[30]) " wikipedia
*Nestis is Persephone
Zeus is Air Hera is Earth
Hades is Fire Nestis is Water
. (Persephone)
"The symbols used by the alchemists for the elements have a lot to say about their archetypal origins.
- The symbol for Fire is an upward-pointing triangle, since Fire with its hot and dry qualities is the most volatile element and seeks to ascend.
- The symbol for Water is a downward-pointing triangle, since Water with its cold and moist qualities seeks to descend or condense. Fire and Water are the two purest elements, and the other two elements of Air and Earth are considered to be more material versions of them.
- Thus, the symbol for Air is the upward-pointing triangle of Fire with a horizontal line through it. Air is hot and moist and seeks to ascend, but its moist component blocks the full ascent of the Fire principle, as indicated by the horizontal line in the triangle. Thus Air is suspended in time and space, caught between the extremes of the Above and the Below.
- The symbol for Earth is the downward-pointing triangle of Water with a horizontal line through it.
"Carl Jung’s theory of personality types is clearly derived from the humors of Hippocrates. The four basic Jungian types are each associated with a humor: feeling (Fire, Choleric), thinking (Water, Phlegmatic), intuition (Air, Sanguine), and sensation (Earth, Melancholic)."
"Jung saw the Four Elements as archetypes existing in the collective unconscious and thus present in everyone. Jung considered Fire and Air the active, masculine elements and Water and Earth the passive, feminine elements."
"To balance your dominant element (or humor) find its opposite element on the cross within the square. You want to increase the presence of this neglected element to balance your temperament, however, since they are opposite, you must work through one of the adjacent elements."
"Since we know that Carl Jung (1), one of the founders of modern psychology, studied mystical literature and alchemy, we can easily conclude that his conceptualization of intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling as the four basic archetypes or components of personality is clearly a derivation of Empedocles' ancient theories about fire, earth, air and water. Jung focused initially on the polarities of introversion (directing one's attention inward toward thoughts, feelings and awareness) and extroversion (directing one's energy outward toward people, actions and external objects), combining each polarity with predominances in thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting, to develop eight basic personality types.
The four personality variables of the Meyers-Briggs test (and its offshoots, the Keirsey test and the DDLI) (2) also appear to be a further development of this psychological philosophy. "
"I just came across this test: and it is -by far- the best assesment test I have taken so far. If you take it please take a few minutes to send the raw test results to Dr. Fergus Duniho at this address:"
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Book: Awakening Beauty
Awakening Beauty the Dr. Hauschka Way
by Susan West Kurz
A-list celebrities, professional makeup artists, and Hollywood stylists have long embraced Dr. Hauschka’s botanical products, attracted by their extraordinary results and the company’s thirty-five-year commitment to purity, therapy, and luxury. Now the same extraordinary results are available to the rest of us through a rejuvenating prescription for healing. In Awakening Beauty the Dr. Hauschka Way, Susan West Kurz, president of Dr. Hauschka, Inc., and a longtime devotee of the company’s products, offers readers a transformative program grounded in Dr. Hauschka’s key principles of natural ingredients and working with the body’s rhythms. Her suggestions, when followed, naturally restore healthy, radiant skin and a sense of peace and well-being, and can even result in weight loss.
This book contains some references to balancing your humors. She suggests that we flow between the humors in different moods and can work to seek balance. "Choosing the bath, exercise, or meditative practice that's right for you depends on your ability to see your current imbalances. One of the most effective tools for self-examination and rebalancing is the Four Temperaments."
Choleric Temperament: Let's Get it Done - Now!
Sanguine Temperament: All is Groovy
Phlegmatic: Everything's in Order, and I Want to Keep It That Way!
Melancholic: He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
"Cholerics should take a lavendar bath to relax and relieve tension.
Sanguines should take a spruce oil bath to ground and focus.
Phelgmatics should take a lemon bath to break up stagnation, awaken the nervous system, and warm the body.
Melancholics should take a rosemary bath to warm the body, boost the circulation, elevate the mood, and ignite the inner fire."
Are you as into neon as I am right now?
I was noticing neon and neutral on the fashion scene lately, and decided to break it up by the seasons' neutrals into four boards. Of course neons aren't really on all the palettes, but play with it anyway.
Neon and Neutral (Spring)24 pinsNeon & Khaki (Autumn) 9 pins |
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
choler, or yellow bile predominant in those endowed with a choleric temperament
- element: fire
- qualities: hot and dry
- color: yellow
- taste: bitter
- season: summer
- time of day: midday
- body organ: spleen
- period of life: youth
- signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
- planet: Mars
melancholy, or black bile predominant in those endowed with a melancholic temperament
- element: earth
- qualities: cold and dry
- color: black
- taste: sour
- season: autumn
- time of day: afternoon
- body organ: liver
- period of life: maturity
- signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
- planet: Saturn
blood predominant in those endowed with a sanguine temperament
- element: air
- qualities: hot and moist
- color: red
- taste: sweet
- season: spring
- time of day: morning
- body organ: heart
- period of life: childhood
- signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra
- planet: Jupiter
phlegm predominant in those endowed with a phlegmatic temperament
- element: water
- qualities: cold and moist
- color: white
- taste: salty
- season: winter
- time of day: evening
- body organ: liver
- period of life: old age
- signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
- planet: Moon
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Send me an email: Jane Rekas, LCSW
Consider "The Wizard of Oz" with its Sanguine Cowardly Lion, Choleric Scarecrow, Melancholic Tin Man, and Phlegmatic Dorothy
[E+] Extraverted / [N+] Neurotic
quick reaction + long/intense reaction
bold + task-oriented
active, excitable, aggressive, impulsive
| Sanguines
[E+] Extraverted / [N-] Calm
quick reaction + short/mild reaction
bold + relationship-oriented
sociable, talkative, easy-going, carefree
[E-] Introverted / [N+] Neurotic
slow reaction + long/intense reaction
quiet + task-oriented
moody, rigid, pessimistic, quiet
| Phlegmatic
[E-] Introverted / [N-] Calm
slow reaction + short/mild reaction
quiet + relationship-oriented
passive, even-tempered, controlled
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Earth, Water, Air, Fire
The idea that typical human behavior can be categorized into four groups originates back to approximately 460 B.C. from the Greek physician, Hippocrates. These four temperaments are associated with the four elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. There is so much that is contained in the temperaments, but here is a brief description of each, according to Dr. Gilbert Child’s in his book, Understand Your Temperament:
Read more at Suite101: The Four Temperaments |
Steiner and Temperaments
Physical | Etheric | Astral | Ego |
Earth | Water | Air | Fire |
thin, pale introspective, sentimental, apathetic | overweight sluggish, lazy, cowardly | ruddy, chubby amorous, happy, generous, carefree, optimistic | red haired, wiry, thin violent, vengeful, volatile, ambitious |
![]() | |
"When the ego of the individual has become so strong through its destiny that its forces are noticeably dominant in the fourfold human nature, and it dominates the other members, then the choleric temperament results. If the person is especially subject to the influence of the forces of the astral body, then we attribute to him a sanguine temperament. If the etheric or life-body acts excessively upon the other members, and especially impresses its nature upon the person, the phlegmatic temperament arises. And when the physical body with its laws is especially predominant in the human nature, so that the spiritual essence of being is not able to overcome a certain hardness in the physical body, then we have to do with a melancholic temperament. Just as the eternal and the transitory intermingle, so does the relation of the members to one another appear."
"Rudolf Steiner emphasized the importance of the four classical temperaments in elementary education, the time when he believed the influence of temperament on the personality to be at its strongest.[19][20] He hypothesized that temperament diminishes in importance as the personality becomes more developed after puberty; that a person's temperament may change, especially in the pre-puberty years; and that temperament is not exclusive: people may combine aspects of several or even, in unusual cases, all of them. He also suggested that people are capable of transforming their own temperaments.
For each temperament Steiner described less and more mature forms: the introspective and sensitive melancholic may be sullen and self-absorbed but can also become a sympathetic helper or a deep thinker. Steiner's temperaments are often used as a basis to describe and understand children during the elementary-school years in Waldorf schools."
"In Waldorf Education, the four temperaments are seen as a tool to help us understand the child as a “whole” human being. The idea of the four temperaments was not new in Steiner’s time; it came about during the Greek times and again during the Middle Ages (some of you may remember hearing about the four humors or the four fluids)." source
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